Without a Hitch(44)

“Do you want me, Pepper?”

I wiggle my ass against his engorged crotch and feel his entire body tense. “If you don’t fuck me soon, I’m going back to the party,” I say hoarsely.


The sound catches my attention before any other sense kicks in. My eyes go wide, and I attempt to arch off the table, but he has me caged in. Then the fire begins to form on the skin of my right ass cheek.

Motherfucker, this prick just spanked me.

My throat feels like I’ve been sucking on cotton balls, and my heart is beating erratically, causing the puffs of air to leave more condensation on the table. It’s all I can focus on. It’s an odd sensation as he rubs and massages my ass. Not at all unpleasant, causing my head to war with every other organ in my body.

“Your damn mouth,” he whispers, and I realize he’s no longer pressing me to the table, but his presence at my back holds me still just the same. His words caress my back, then I feel him between my legs. “Do you want me?” he repeats, the vulnerability in his words unnerving.

I can’t reconcile the uncertainty of his words with the domineering man that just gave me my first ever spanking. What’s troubling your heart, Blaine? But that’s a question for a boyfriend, not a lover, so instead, I focus on pieces of him. His scent. His fingers on my skin. Anything but the feelings he conjures.

“Yes, I want you. C-Can anyone see us in here?” Awareness of our surroundings crashes into me and pulls me from the sexy scene that will most definitely live rent-free in my brain for the rest of my life.

“Not in here. I would never do that to you, Abby.”

A lump forms painfully in my throat, and my eyes burn like lava. If he were relationship material, those words could lead to forever.

He hooks his hands into the waistband of my thong and slides it down my legs, then stands.

Leaning over me once more, he gently takes my right hand, then my left, and laces them behind my back.

I’m unable to crane my neck far enough to see what he’s doing, but then I feel the soft lace that can only be my panties wrap around my wrists until it goes taut. He’s bound me with my own flipping underwear.

“You’re v-very kinky tonight, lover.”

His lips land between my shoulder blades, and it sends a jolt of longing straight to my core. He takes his time tasting and exploring before answering. “I have to make sure you don’t leave me again.”

A breath hisses between my teeth. “I…Blaine?” I shift and wiggle, trying to make eye contact, but he continues his leisurely exploration of my body. “Blaine? Did I hurt you by leaving that night?”

I feel him lift his head from my back as his five o’clock shadow scrapes up my spine. “Well, Pepper, that would imply that I have feelings, now wouldn’t it?”

“I never said you didn’t.”


This time it’s my left ass cheek, and I still wasn’t prepared. Moisture drips between my legs, and my pussy clamps tight.

Well, that’s not the reaction I was expecting.

Just as I open my mouth to protest, he puts two large palms on my thighs and spreads them wider. I adjust my stance, and he tugs my body down on the table a few inches. Then he’s on the floor, under the table, with his mouth sucking on my pussy. His grasp on my thighs strengthens and holds me to his face so tightly I’m afraid I’ll suffocate him.

My hips undulate shamelessly as I ride his face. I grind and moan, and he does wicked things with his tongue. When he takes my clit between his teeth and slaps both ass cheeks, I come in a riot of feelings and sensations I can’t begin to explain. Bright lights and shooting stars don’t do it justice.

Every muscle in my body tenses and quivers while he continues his attack on my clit. Just as the tremors ease, he slips two long fingers inside me. Scissoring them, opening me, and the tightening begins at my core again.

My knees tremble with the effort of holding myself up, and when he sucks me right to the edge, he slides out from between my legs. With my body plastered to the table, my shoulders still manage to sag at the loss of contact. But it doesn’t last long.

The crinkling sounds of a condom wrapper have me spreading my legs as wide as possible.

“You’re so damn beautiful.” He says it like a curse and I hear him stalk toward me like a hunter.

My dress is still pooled around my waist, and he clutches it along with my bound palms and pulls me up, turning me to face him. “Are your wrists okay like this?”

I nod. Words, even snarky ones, are lost to the moment. His breath tickles my forehead as he searches my eyes, and I nod again.

“I need to see you. I need to see your eyes when I enter you and when you come.”

“Yes,” I whimper.

He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. There’s a sadness hidden behind his mask that makes my chest ache. He steps forward, placing both hands on my hips, and lifts me onto the table.

“Use your hands to hold yourself up.” I place my hands on the warmed surface behind me, and he places my feet on the edge of the table. My knees naturally drop open. It’s not the most comfortable position, but as he stares with pure lust in his expression, I fight my body to hold still.

He drops his pants to the floor and unbuttons his shirt. When we're done, my dress will be a wrinkled mess, but as I watch his chest rise and fall, I realize I just don’t care. His fist wraps around his thick length as he steps forward, then runs the tip up and down my slit.

Avery Maxwell's Books