Without a Hitch(41)

I realize I’ve been holding my breath, waiting for a confrontation that never comes—because that’s how it was with my ex—and I let it out slowly. Pepper is nothing like I expect and it makes me like her that much more.

“It’s Taylor Swift. You do know who Taylor Swift is, right?”

“Yes.” I sigh. “I recognize the name. What does she have to do with anything?”

She glares at me like I just kicked a puppy. “First of all, she’s one of the best songwriters of our generation.”

“I don’t listen to music.”

She stops moving and drops her arms from my shoulders, taking all her warmth with her. “Ever?”

“It’s a distraction,” I say with a shrug.

“This song is called ‘Wildest Dreams.’ I would have thought you’d like it. It seems to fit your love doesn’t last forever mantra.”

“Why would they play this at a wedding then?”

She shrugs as if it’s obvious. “It’s classic Taylor. Audra is a big fan, and when you’re a big fan, you play all the songs. Even songs about love that leaves you in the end.”

I’m physically incapable of handling the sadness that washes over her, so I react. I’m doing that a lot around her, and I don’t know what to make of it.

“Memories can last forever,” I tell her. “And I’d very much like to make another with you. Right.




“W hat do you mean, right now?”

“Are you finished with…” He watches the wedding that’s carrying on in all its enchanting glory. “With whatever it is you do at these things?”

Irritation rankles my spine, and I plant my hands firmly on my hips. “Being a good friend and making sure the most magical day in my friend’s life goes off without a hitch? Is that what you mean?”

“Yes.” He huffs like he’s the one with the right to be annoyed.

I narrow my eyes and lean in, ready to give him a piece of my mind, but he grasps my wrist and hauls it to his chest. The movement catches me off guard, and I teeter on my heels. “Hey! Do not manhandle me.” I aim for pissed off, but it comes out breathy and maybe a little wanton.

“Pepper.” His tone is low and controlled, like he’s working extra hard at keeping himself in check, and it makes me want to push him. Shove him, actually, until that long-practiced control he holds on to snaps like a twig. But I don’t get a chance.

“I’m going to own that sass tonight. Then I’m going to spank you so when I reach around to that magical little pussy of yours, I find it sopping. I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll remember me with every step you take for a week. Do you want me to do it right here, or are you finished?” The last three words come in a harsh staccato.

“You speak as if I’m going to follow orders, lover.” His gaze widens, and I smile. What is it about him that makes me want to shred the traits that have always made me invisible and push all of his buttons? “You keep calling me Pepper, well, guess what? You’ve made it very clear you don’t do happily ever after, and I do nothing else. So, that makes you my lover until I say otherwise. You’re not boyfriend material because we can have no future. Lover it is.”

His jaw ticks, and I almost laugh, but then I see his hands twitch at his side. Holy hot pockets, does he really intend to spank me? Would I like it? Hot tamale, hell on a cracker, yes, you idiot. Yes, you’d like it. My mind flitters to all those naughty books my sister writes. Wanting to act out dirty scenes your sister writes must be a new level of kink I’m not prepared for. Or maybe I can pretend she didn’t write them?

“I am boyfriend material, Abby.”

Gah! Blaine’s voice hurtles me into the present.

The anger in his voice has a shiver running down my arms. “I’m just not wedding material.”

“Same thing, Blaine. Same freaking thing.” Sidestepping, I ease out of his grasp and leave him on the dance floor. I weave through the maze of people in my search for Audra. I’m so tempted to peek over my shoulder, but by the inferno at my back, I know he’s followed me.

“A committed relationship, love, and marriage can happen independently of one another.”

“Not in my world, lover. In my world, you meet a guy, fall in love, commit to them and only them, then you get married,” I call over my shoulder and catch his sister watching us.

“But why?” he growls at my ear.

I turn slowly, carefully choosing my words. I’m hit by a wall of emotion when my gaze locks on his, but I swallow it down.

“Because, Blaine…” A heavy, painful sigh escapes my lips. Much too painful to be directed at a one-night stand, that’s for sure. Staring into his bewildered blue eyes, I open my heart to him. “I’ve been searching for the fairy tale my whole life. I need the happily ever after. I deserve the happily ever after, and I won’t settle for anything less. Why are you even pushing this when it’s clear all you want is one more night?”

His mouth opens and shuts. Then he does it again, but he speaks no words.

“Abby!” Audra’s angelic voice sings out excitedly, giving me a reprieve from Blaine's intense scrutiny. “You did it again! You’re truly amazing. You saved my wedding, even if my mother is a rocky turd sometimes.”

Avery Maxwell's Books