Without a Hitch(42)

“Oh, Audra. I’m so happy for you. This entire evening has been stunning. Um, so Katrina wasn’t feeling well and went home. Did Bailey tell you?”

“She did.” Audra smiles ear to ear.

“Audra,” Blaine’s cantankerous baritone says at my side.

“Oh my goodness, I cannot believe you’re here! You never come to weddings,” she screeches, launching herself into Blaine’s arms. “Can you believe I’ve known this grump since we were both in diapers?” He holds her like a two-by-four and pats her like he’s tapping out of a wrestling match. It’s so at odds with the way he is with me. My nose scrunches up as I watch.

“Really.” I take a step closer to her. Maybe Audra will know why he’s such a dark cloud sucking all the light and love from my happy places. But, in true Blaine fashion, he doesn’t give me a chance.

“Do you need Abby for anything else tonight? Or is she free to join me on a private tour of the library?”

“Ooh, I thought you two had hit it off at Jenna’s wedding. It’s so nice to see you pursuing someone again.”

Here’s the thing about Audra. She’s like a mix of Snow White and Bambi. It’s impossible to dislike her, and even if her words grate on Blaine’s last nerve, he can’t be rude to her.

“You’re sweet, Audra, but Banny here doesn’t believe in love.”

“I believe in love, Pepper. Just not mar—” He cuts himself off when he realizes he’s about to offend our host.

“Pepper? Banny? Eek! You guys are so cute! Maybe I’ll get to save the day at your wedding soon.” Audra claps her hands while bouncing up and down. She lifts her gown to flash her shoeless toes with a wicked grin. “My mother can’t always win.” Her smile never falters while studying the two of us. “Isn’t it just the most amazing feeling?”

“What feeling?” Blaine’s voice cracks. If I knew him better, I might think Audra’s words are getting to him.

“Love, silly. I didn’t realize you two knew each other so well, but you do look amazing together.”

“Oh, we don’t really know each other,” I blurt, just as Blaine drags me closer to his side.

“Are you done with Abby?”

“Yes. You know,” she whispers conspiratorially, “Jefferson and I had our first kiss in the old Romantics section.”

“I’ll see if I can top it,” Blaine murmurs to my neck, then lifts his head to speak to Audra. “That’s very… dreamy.” He’s so condescending! I elbow him in the gut, and he adjusts his attitude for Audra’s benefit. “Congratulations again, Audra. If you’ll excuse us, I’ll be stealing Abby away for a bit.”

“Have fun.” She wiggles her fingers, and Blaine wraps an arm around my back. His hand falls on my opposite hip, and he uses it to guide me.

“You know, you could have asked if I wanted a tour.” I’m poking the beast, but I can’t stop myself.

He doesn’t reply with words, but he squeezes my hip before releasing it to take my hand instead.

Lacing our fingers together, he’s leading me out of the ballroom when we’re interrupted.

“Mr. Blaine.”

Blaine stiffens almost imperceptibly, but I feel it because he’s attached to my hip. He turns us slowly. “John Ross,” he says with a practiced smile. His demeanor has changed, but he hasn’t let go of my hand. “How are you? I didn’t realize you knew the Foundrys.”

The older man smiles but gives nothing away. “For years. I went to prep school back in the day with Audra’s father. She’s my goddaughter. I can say I’m surprised to see you here, though I have heard wonderful things about your date from Audra.”

I smile pleasantly at the uncomfortable exchange.

“Ross, this is Abby.” Blaine stares at me just long enough to convey something, then returns his gaze to Ross. “My girlfriend.”

Oh, he is going to pay for this! I smile serenely even as a fire ignites in my core.

Ross’s eyebrows raise a fraction. “Girlfriend?”

“We’ve been together almost two years,” Blaine continues to lie. “But you know how it is to be in the public eye. We try to keep a low profile whenever possible.”

I should interrupt him. I should call him on this farce, but watching Blaine in action is too much fun. How far will he take this fib of his?

“Well, isn’t that…lovely.” Ross casts a questioning gaze my way. “Audra truly has said magnificent things about you and your…work, Abby.”

Oh, shit. John Ross knows my secret.

Now it’s Blaine’s turn to stare at me. So many lies. The skin on my neck prickles, and I feel my cheeks flush. I’d fan myself if they weren’t both watching me so closely.

“I’ll let you two get on with your night.” Ross turns to Blaine, but his gaze darts to mine every few seconds. “Why don’t you give me a call next week. I…” He hesitates, eyeing me like a Rubik’s Cube.

He thinks he can solve me, but there’s always that one pesky color. It makes me want to laugh. I’m not that interesting, Mr. Ross. “Perhaps we can discuss your proposal in the coming months,” he finally settles on.

Now Blaine appears to be truly baffled, but I’m impressed with his quick recovery. “I’ll do that.

Avery Maxwell's Books