Without a Hitch(40)

Katrina moves forward into Abby’s space and, leaning in, I can see that she doesn’t back down.

“Do you have any idea who I am?”

Now it’s Abby’s turn to step forward, and she carries the threat Katrina couldn’t pull off. Katrina arches her body back as Abby crowds her space. “Yes, you’re a twat, and I hope to God you never need Audra for anything. You may think her good nature will always have her running to your side, but after tonight, all her friends will make sure she knows exactly where her loyalty should lie. Spoiler, it’s not with a selfish asshole. What. Is. Your. Choice? Stay and plaster a smile on that vicious face of yours or slip out the back with whatever manwhore caught your attention?”

“How dare you,” Katrina snarls. I choose this moment to make myself known and rise to my full height.

It’s not that I approve of weddings, but if anyone can pull off a forever, it’s Audra Foundry.

Katrina is the only one facing me, and her gaze goes wide and unblinking when she sees me.

“Actually,” she fumbles, “I’m not feeling well. I’m heading home.” She sniffs the air in a pretentious way I know well.

She’s about to say something snotty because she just can’t help herself, but I intervene. “Sounds like a wise plan. I mean, I’ve heard weddings can be downright magical—isn’t that right, Abby?”

Abby spins quickly on her heels, and I register shock before a mask I can’t read returns to her beautiful face. “The last thing we’d want is anyone ruining the lovely Audra’s sparkle. Don’t you agree, Katrina?”

“Hmph.” She sighs and stomps toward the exit.

“Bailey,” Pepper says, “you go back to the reception. Let Audra know that Katrina is ill. I’ll walk her to the door and meet you in there. We only have about an hour left anyway.” There’s a gentleness to her voice I like. It’s not the bossy tone she sometimes uses. It’s not the commanding one either. It’s something almost vulnerable, soft. Something real that I like so much but can’t put into words.

“Okay. Done. Thanks, Abby.” Bailey passes by me, appearing much more relaxed than she did moments ago. Abby did that.

I nod in Abby’s direction as she leads Katrina to the door. I stand back and let her take care of her charge. After a few minutes, she walks back to me slowly, almost cautiously, like I make her nervous, and I give her an easy smile.

“Pepper,” I groan when she’s close enough to smell.

She lets out a heavy sigh. “Man, rich people can be exhausting.” She mumbles it under her breath, but I hear every word. Is she not wealthy herself? If that’s the case, how has she become friends with all these people that clearly trust her? She’s a mystery I enjoy finding all the clues to.

Hooking an arm around her waist, I pull her to my side. “Move with me.”

“What?” she gasps, glancing up, horrified. “You mean dance with you? Not move in with you, right?”

I did mean dance, but the idea of seeing her every morning doesn’t send me running for the hills as it should.

“No, Pepper, I mean move with me.” Leaning down, I whisper in her ear as I lead her back to the dance floor. “Move with me so I can feel your body glide against mine and remember what it felt like when you were naked. Move with me so I can hear those sexy mewls in the back of your throat. Move with me so when I pull your body tight against my hips, you feel just how much I’ve thought about you every day for weeks.” I pause, willing her to peer up at me. “See? So much more than dancing, my sweet Pepper. And with my arms wrapped around you, I can make sure you don’t run from me again.”

Jesus, Loch. Put a cork in it. You’re about to cock up everything here. The last thing Pepper needs to know is that she’s infiltrated my mind.

“So, what you’re saying is, you’ve thought about my body, huh? Just my body?”

A legitimate grunt escapes me, causing the couple in front of us to shift quickly to their left. “And your gobby, sexy mouth.”

“Gobby?” She laughs until she notices my expression.

It’s all I can do not to ravish her right here, but true to form, the second I glance up, my family is standing at the edge of the dance floor, watching. I’m almost surprised Nova doesn’t pass out popcorn.

I move quickly, turn my back on the peanut gallery, and take Abby into my arms.

I don’t fight the sensation that she fits. Or the way my heart flutters when she’s nearby. No, I bask in it all while we move as one. It’s one of those songs that’s not particularly slow or fast. It's a strange beat that allows us to bend and flow in a way that feels like we’ve always done it.

As a general rule, I hate music. It’s a distraction I don’t have time for, but as she sings against my chest, I know I’ll be reliving this moment for a long time.

I don’t hear the band anymore. Not when I have her this close. The words coming out of her mouth sound sad, and while they match the song, it just doesn’t sound right coming from her.

“What are you singing?”

She stares up at me with a frown, and I prepare for something snarky. But then she tilts her head, and her tone is soft, careful, and full of patience when she speaks—even if she does lace it with a teasing wink.

Avery Maxwell's Books