Without a Hitch(43)

Thank you. I think you’ll be pleased with what I can offer.”

“We’ll see. You two do make a very handsome couple. I’m pleased to see it. Have a great night, Abby.”

“You too, sir.” When he’s out of earshot, I turn on Blaine. “What the hell was that? Your girlfriend? One quick fuck, and you grew feelings?”

“I don’t fuck quick,” he bites out. “And I’m incapable of feelings, remember? But thank you for going along with that. You may have just saved my ass with a deal I’ve worked on for two years.”

Blaine tugs his earlobe and then pulls on the bottom of his vest. I notice he’s always straightening his appearance. What would happen if I just…messed him up a little? His eyes narrow like he can read my thoughts, and my body preens like a peacock.

“Huh. I guess I should be rewarded, now, shouldn’t I?”

His eyes turn molten, and he pulls me deeper into the room until we’re standing in front of a security guard.

Blaine nods. “I’ll be taking a private tour tonight. We’re not to be disturbed. Understood?”


Blaine rubs circles on the top of my hand as he leads me behind a tall velvet curtain. The gentle movement is at odds with his harsh words and cold interaction with the poor guard.

“Aren’t you going to say thank you?”

“I’ll tip him well.”

I stop and tear my hand from his. He halts abruptly, appearing confused and possibly amused, as I stomp back through the curtain.

The nerve of this guy!

“Hello, sir. What’s your name?” I ask the security guard.

“It’s Matt, miss.” He eyes me like I’ll bite. Having had the displeasure of dealing with two assholes tonight, I can understand why.

“Hello, Matt. Thank you very much. I’m sorry my friend was so rude.”

Poor Matt tries to hold in a smile but fails miserably.

“Part of the job, miss.”

“Dealing with prickly asshats?” I stage whisper.

Matt wisely keeps his lips pursed tight. I catch movement in the corner of my eye and find Blaine watching me with a curious smile.

“Enjoy your evening, miss.”

“Thank you, Matt. I will. I hope you have a great night too.”

“Thank you, miss.” He schools his grin as I sashay back to Blaine.

“Was that so hard, lover?”

“I’m going to show you hard. Come.”

“I plan to if you’re up to the task later.” Jesus. Why do my lips write checks my heart can’t cash?

“Not later, Pepper. Now.”

I whimper as he climbs the stairs, tugging me behind him. You can smell the history in these walls, and my romantic heart squeezes, knowing this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

As a child, the library was a haven of hope. A place we could go when the weather was iffy and hide while our father drank our lives away. And a place where all our childhood fantasies were researched and developed. I can’t tell you how many times I fell in and out of love in the library.

Each page brought new adventures and added goals to the story of my life.

My heart races as we climb. I can’t wait to see where this story will lead.



“T hey just let you have the run of the place?” I ask in between pants. Blaine’s long strides are not easy to keep up with, and I add going back to the gym to my to-do list.

“When you donate as much as I do, yes. For the most part, anyway.” He doesn’t peer over his shoulder. He doesn’t slow down. He’s a man on a mission, and it appears that mission is me.

He pauses at the landing long enough to retrieve his phone and turn on the flashlight. My eyes have had a difficult time adjusting to all the lighting changes the twists and turns have created, and I’m thankful when he illuminates our way. Walking like he’s done this a hundred times, he moves with purpose until we stop outside a door. I have no idea where we are, but I shiver in anticipation.

The scent of old books, history, and a million stories waiting to find homes in the hearts and minds of readers amps up my excitement.

There’s a faint clicking sound in the empty hall after he presses a code into the keypad. With a hand at the small of my back, he ushers me into the darkened room.

“It’s probably not safe to enter a dark room with a stranger,” I tease.

“It’s a good thing I’m not a stranger then.”

He has me up against the wall a moment later, hands in my hair, hips pressing into my belly, and dear lord, that thick, magnificent cock is ready for me.

“It’s infuriating that you occupy as much space in my mind as you do,” he mutters between licks at the base of my neck.

Good God, this man knows how to use that muscle. His tongue swirls and laps along my skin, and my body comes alive.

“Careful there, lover. You’re awfully close to being confused for a romantic.”

The words have barely left my mouth when he hitches my dress over my hips and turns me around.

My belly hits a table in front of us before my brain can comprehend all the movements.

He leans over me, holding me to the table, and my harsh breaths leave a cloud of mist against the black marble surface I’m pressed against. I flex my fingers and see my handprint left behind on the shiny surface. My body is on fire. The table is cold. The fear of being caught is overwhelming. The juxtaposition of all these senses intensifies the anticipation of what’s to come.

Avery Maxwell's Books