The Stand-In Boyfriend (Grove Valley High #1)(75)
They don’t.
They don’t because every time he sways, he rotates us around, and when I open my eyes, I see Chase has entered the room. He’s not doing anything except staring at us. He’s not telling me to stop, he’s not getting angry with Jessie, he’s just staring at us sadly, and it honestly tears me apart that I’m the cause of that look on his face.
I stiffen in Jessie’s arms and step away from him. I can’t deal with this right now. Jessie’s brow furrows in surprise and he follows my gaze to Chase. He turns back to me. “I’m too late, aren’t I?”
I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe with both of them looking at me like this and I have to get away. I turn and break my way through the crowd, out into Jessie’s back yard. I don’t stop until I reach the bench half hidden at the bottom of the narrow stretch of grass, and I pray neither of them follows me.
I glance up and see Sophie peering down at me.
I nod my head but she looks like she doesn’t believe me. She sighs and crouches down so we’re at eye level.
“What’s going on Liv?”
I shrug my shoulders helplessly. I don’t really know what’s going on, to be honest. I just know nothing seems right and I have this feeling that everything is going to blow up in my face.
“Everything’s such a mess,” I manage to whisper.
She shifts position, sitting down on the bench next to me and crossing her legs out in front of her. “Go on,” she urges.
I sigh. “Chase…I don’t think…part of me thinks it’s not fake, thinks he doesn’t want…uh…” I drop my head back and stare at the sky, unable to articulate the thought that maybe this isn’t fake for Chase anymore. “And Jessie, I think he gets it now, I think he sees me like that—but, I don’t know…I don’t want to hurt anyone and Chase has been so good to me but it’s Jessie I’ve always wanted. Maybe I’m just being stupid and Chase is just a really good pretend boyfriend and that’s all there is to it, but…I don’t know, it doesn’t feel fake anymore, and I was just dancing with Jessie, and Chase was watching, and I felt so guilty…” I trail off, my rambling thoughts reflecting the state of my mind.
Sophie reaches out and grips my arm, squeezing it comfortingly. I glance at her and she smiles. “You know I’ve watched Chase Mitchell for years, right?”
I nod. It feels like a lifetime ago that she last talked about her crush on him.
“Well, I’ve never once seen him look at Abigail or any other girl the way he looks at you.”
My hands start twisting together. “But this isn’t real.”
“Are you sure? Because it looks pretty real from where I’m standing.”
“This hasn’t looked fake to me for a long time now, Liv. If I think about it, I’m not sure it ever was fake on Chase’s end, and you’ve been happy. He’s made you happy and confident and carefree. He’s brought out the best in you, just like boyfriends are supposed to do.”
I shake my head at her words, and for some reason, I feel tears spring to my eyes. “But he’s Chase Mitchell, Soph. He could have anyone. He’s not going to feel like that about me.”
She tugs on my arm, pausing the fidgeting of my hands, and catches my gaze with hers. Her brown eyes are shining. “You don’t really think that, do you?”
I don’t know. I definitely did before. Now, though, I don’t know what I feel. Chase has certainly never made me feel like that.
“I wish that, just for once, you could see yourself the way I see you,” she tells me softly. “The way everyone else sees you.” I shake my head and she smiles. “Chase Mitchell has fallen for you, Livs, no doubt about it, but it’s not you who’s the lucky one for getting him—he’s the lucky one for having a chance with you.”
I let out a bitter chuckle. “I don’t know what to do.”
“You need to talk to Chase.”
I nod. She’s right. I need to get this straightened out and see how Chase actually feels. I mean, this could all be in my imagination and not mean a thing, but somehow I know that’s not true.
“I’ll go find him,” I tell her, standing up. “I’ll see if he wants to get out of here.”
She nods and smiles at me. “Good luck.”
I can’t find it in me to smile back.
Somehow it’s gotten even busier when I get back inside, and I step around a girl who was in my history class sophomore year as she downs a drink in front of some cheering guys. I weave my way through the crowd and scan the room before spotting Chase near the entrance to the kitchen, his head bowed with Aaron’s in deep conversation.
I turn to see Hallie and Maria right behind me, Maria gripping Hallie with one hand in an attempt to stay upright, a beer in the other. My guess is she’s already had too much.
“Hey, guys. You okay?”
“Yeah! Well, way better than your boy anyway,” Maria slurs at me.
I shoot Hallie a confused look. “What’s wrong with Chase?”
Hallie shakes her head. “Not Chase. Jessie.”