Say You Love Me(22)

“Anything to oblige you, my dear.” He grinned and continued on his way to the bar. I stood there watching him for a few seconds and then looked around me to check out the scene. There were a good mix of people, ranging from mid-twenties to mid-forties, and there seemed to be a lot of singles flirting with each other. I watched as two girls were checking out a particularly good-looking blond guy and were trying to make eye contact with him, but he didn’t seem to be noticing them at all. I grinned to myself as I watched one of the girls flicking her hair and staring him down, but still he didn’t look at her. And then, because this was how life always goes, the hot guy looked up and stared at me. And because I’m awkward in these situations, I just continued to stare at him with the grin on my face. When I realized we were making eye contact, I looked away quickly and I could feel myself blushing.

“Hi, there.” I heard a deep voice right next to me and I looked up and saw the hot blond guy, who was even better looking closer up than he had been from a distance. His hair was a deep gold and his eyes were big, bright and a piercing blue. His face held a golden tan and his pearly white teeth were perfectly even as he smiled at me.

“Hi,” I said with a small smile. I looked over his shoulder and saw the two girls glaring at me.

“Waiting on a friend?” he said and looked around him before looking back at me.

“Kinda.” I nodded. “You?”

“I just came for a drink. By myself.” He smiled again. “It’s been a long week.”

“Work?” I asked him.

“Yeah.” He nodded and fake shuddered. “I’m an attorney and I’ve been in the middle of the most tedious document reviews for the last two weeks.”

“Sounds painful.”

“It was. My night is looking up now, though,” he said, his eyes twinkling as he looked at me. “Would you like a drink?”

“Oh, my friend went to get me a drink,” I said and looked towards the bar to see if I could see Cody. I felt weird saying that he was my friend, but what else could I say? The man I love who doesn’t care about me? No way.

“Oh, okay.” He nodded and his expression became thoughtful. “My name is Tom, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you, Tom. I’m Sally.”

“Sally,” he said with a grin and then held his hand out.

“Something amusing about my name?” I asked curiously as I shook his hand.

“My sister’s favorite doll when she was growing up was called Sally,” he said with a smile.


“I have fond memories of the name.” He laughed. “She used to make me play house and I was Sally’s favorite uncle.”

“Well, that’s good, then.” I laughed. “I can’t say I have any similar stories about Toms. Though, I loved watching the Tom Sawyer movie when I was younger.”

“Aww, I haven’t seen it. I will have to check it out,” he said and then he took a step closer to me. “So, what do you say about getting out of here?”

“Getting out of here?” I swallowed quickly. Tom had gone from zero to a hundred in less than ten seconds.

“Yeah, maybe we could go grab a bite and talk?” He leaned over and whispered in my ear. “And maybe we could have some play time.” I felt his hand on the small of my back and I froze. Damn! He was smooth and I had totally not expected the immediate come-on. He’d seemed so sweet and nice in the two minutes we’d been talking.

“Uhm, I, uhm...” I stuttered, not knowing what to say as I felt him tapping my ass. “Hey,” I said as I jumped slightly.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” He grinned. “You have a nice ass.”

“Uh, thanks,” I said, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

“So, what do you say to maybe going back to my place?” he said with a wink and a quick lick of his lips.

“Hey, what’s going on here?” Cody arrived back then with our drinks and I could have thrown my arms around him.

“Can I help you?” Tom looked over at Cody with a frown.

“I’m wondering if I can help you?” Cody’s face was unreadable as he stood there. “Sally, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” I nodded, not really sure what to say.

“Oh, this is your friend?” Tom looked at Cody and then back at me. “If he is looking for a gay bar, this isn’t the place, but maybe when we head to my place, we can drop him off at ‘Out of the Closet.’ It’s a hot spot for men.”

“Excuse me?” Cody’s voice was deep and I knew he was pissed.

“Oh, sorry, you’re not gay?” Tom said with a shrug and I felt his hand on my back again. “Want to dance before we leave?”

“Leave?” Cody’s voice was louder and angrier as he stared now directly at me. “What’s going on, Sally?”

“Uhm, nothing,” I squeaked out, not really knowing what to say. “We just met,” I explained lamely.

“I saw her beauty from across the room and had to come and say hello,” Tom said and licked his lips again. “Especially when I saw the grin she was giving me. Your lips are beautiful,” he said as he stared at me. “So full and juicy, oooohhhmm,” he said and winked at me. My face grew bright red as I stood there.

J. S. Cooper's Books