Say You Love Me(20)

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“How did we end up choosing a horror movie?” I whispered to Mila as we walked into the movie theater ahead of the guys. “You know I hate horror movies. I’m going to scream and embarrass myself.”

“You won’t.” She gave me a sly grin and my eyes narrowed.

“You chose the movie, didn’t you?” I growled under my breath. “Mila, how could you do this to me? You know I wanted to see a rom-com or something.”

“The guys don’t wanna watch a rom-com. Plus, if we do a horror, whenever you feel scared you can grab ahold of Cody and he can protect you.”

“Mila.” I groaned. “That’s not about to happen.”

“You never know.” She shrugged and smiled. “You need to up the stakes.”

“I don’t want to up the stakes.” I sighed. “This is too much already.”

“What are you two whispering about?” Cody came up from behind me and nearly made me jump.

“Nothing,” I said quickly and then paused. What if he’d heard some of what I had to say? “Well, I was just complaining that Mila chose a horror movie and she knows that I hate them.”

“I’m here to protect you if you feel scared.” He grinned at me and my heart fluttered. “Just sit next to me.”

“Aww, thanks, Cody,” I said, my heart racing. Maybe he really was coming around?

“No worries, that’s what friends are for.” He grinned at me and overtook Mila and I and walked into our theater. “Let’s try and get some seats towards the top. I hate being too close to the screen.”

“Sure,” I mumbled as I gave Mila a small glare, my stomach sinking at his use of the word “friends”.

“It’ll be fine,” she mumbled, smiled and then reached behind to grab TJ’s hand. “Honey, will you protect me as well, if I get scared?”

“I’ll protect you any day of the week. Any second of the day.” TJ pulled her towards him and kissed her cheek. “I’ll protect you from the grave.”

“Aww, my love.” Mila beamed and I tried not to groan in envy. Why did they have to be so sickeningly sweet all of the time? I could still remember when they used to trade barbs back and forth. I could still remember when Mila was in my position, loving a man she thought didn’t even want to give her the time of day. Only life looked favorably upon her. Life gave her the love of the man she wanted. I wasn’t so lucky.

I wanted to slap myself for my thoughts. I knew I was feeling sorry for myself. I knew that I was part of — if not all — of the reason that I was feeling miserable, and that jealousy was a horrible trait. I knew it, but I just couldn’t stop myself from dwelling on my despair and heartache. I needed to make a change. I needed to get over it. I’d been reading online articles about unrequited love and for all intents and purposes, it seemed like I just needed to cut Cody out of my life and move on. Though, I felt loathe to do that. Instead, I was holding on to some inner hope, some flame of fire inside of me that wouldn’t die out. I was wasting my life away and slowly eroding my soul from the inside. If he was my soul mate and I was his soul, then I knew that we were both destined for a fiery fate.

“Come on, Sally,” Cody called me from a couple of steps up and I hurried up my pace to catch up with him. “You were spacing out again?”

“No.” I shook my head.

“Are you really that scared of horror movies?” His eyes searched my face. “If you want, we can watch something else. If you’re really that scared.”

“No, I’m fine, but thank you.”

“No worries.” He smiled and grabbed my hand and squeezed. “I’m sure the witches won’t come and get you. Or the bogeyman.”

“Yay for that.” I rolled my eyes at him and giggled. “Hopefully they don’t come and attack me in my bed tonight.”

“I can protect you there as well.” He raised an eyebrow at me and then winked.

“Oh, really?” I gazed at him and winked back. “How do you propose to do that?”

“Well, I think my presence alone would scare them off, but I’d put my arms around you and hold you close and then I’d...” His voice trailed off as Mila and TJ sat down next to us. “Wow, you two slow-coaches decided to join us.”

“Why, of course.” Mila gave her brother a look. “Did you miss us?”

“Do I miss heartburn?” Cody retorted and I giggled. He looked up at me and smiled. “Aren’t you glad that you have me now, and not just Mila?”

“Oh, so glad.”

“Why would she be glad to have you?” Mila gave him a look.

“I can do things for her that you can’t,” he said softly and my heart fluttered, but this time not in a romantic way.

“What things can you do for her that I can’t?” Mila asked with a scoff.

“You mean, aside from impregnating her?” Cody said with a laugh and my face grew hot.

“Cody!” Mila looked shocked. “You’re disgusting.”

“I’m disgusting? You asked the question.” His face went all innocent. “And unless I’ve been lied to all my life about your gender, I don’t think you can knock Sally up.”

J. S. Cooper's Books