Maybe Later(8)

You never answered what you bet. I’m impressed to know you have friends. He’s your friend, right?


P. S. Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. ― Plato


From: J. Spearman

To: A. Walker

Subject: A few …

Wednesday, March 30th, 4:07 p.m.

Those are more songs I can listen to during my five-hour flight. Who did I lose the bet to? He’s my college roommate. How much did I lose? Too much. You make me sound like an old, lonely man. Thank you for the music. I don’t think I’d use the word “improving,” but you’re certainly making a lot of changes.


P. S. Do you have a quote for everything?


Thursday, March 31th 5:25 a.m.

JSpear84 sent you a request to play Sudoku

AWalk90: Working hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday.

AWalk90: It’s too early, Spearman!

JSpear84: I sent you a request to play a game, not a list of tasks. Are we night owls?

AWalk90: We went to bed too late.

JSpear84: Did we now?

JSpear84: I assume your boyfriend kept you up late. You don’t mean you and me.

AWalk90: OMFG!

AWalk90: Of course I don’t mean you and me.

AWalk90: I meant I went to bed late.

AWalk90: There’s no boyfriend.

JSpear84: Girlfriend?

JSpear84: You have me curious. Who is ‘we’?

AWalk90: Me and my cats. Before you say it, yes, I’m a cat lady.

AWalk90: I used to have a dog, but he died a couple of years ago. I don’t have the heart to adopt a new one.

JSpear84: How are Ramen and Sushi today?

AWalk90: Waiting to be fed. They were quiet until you messaged me. I’m surprised to see you finally used the app. But puzzled by your invitation.

JSpear84: Why do you have games on a work chat app? Does Mr. Lancaster know you’re playing during working hours?

JSpear84: That must reduce the productivity of the assistants.

AWalk90: Not every VA has it. Also, they own their time.

JSpear84: Aw, you’re special.

AWalk90: Are you telling me I’m not special? Way to burst my bubble.

JSpear84: Does that make me special?

JSpear84: You granted me access to your games.

AWalk90: Not really. Since you’re my client, you can access them.

JSpear84: How does that work?

AWalk90: I’m friends with the developer [wink emoji]

AWalk90 sent you a request to play Words with Friends

JSpear84: Fighting with words, Ms. Walker?

AWalk90: Just keeping it interesting.

JSpear84: I’m about to board the plane. Go back to sleep.

AWalk90: I’m feeding my cats, I might be able to take the 7 a.m. class.

JSpear84: You’re single then?

AWalk90: Yep, having a boyfriend isn’t on my to-do list.

JSpear84: Why not?

AWalk90: It’s a lot of work. Have you tried Tinder? And don’t get me started with MatchMeNow. Of course, if you want, I can make you a profile. You’re single, aren’t you?

JSpear84: I can only imagine what you’d post on my profile. No thank you.

AWalk90: You have no idea. I can make you sound hot, available, and fun.

JSpear84: Are you telling me I’m not?

AWalk90: I wouldn’t know, either way, J. I don’t know you.

AWalk90 sent you an attachment.

AWalk90: Meet Ramen and Sushi.

JSpear84: Cute cats, I thought they’d be Siamese. What breed are they?

AWalk90: I don’t know. My neighbor rescued them from the trash can outside our building. The vet thinks they’re a Tabby mix.

JSpear84: I didn’t picture you as a red polish kind of girl.

AWalk90: LOL

JSpear84: Why are you laughing?

AWalk90: You pictured me. That’s strange.

JSpear84: No, I didn’t.

AWalk90: It’s okay. I picture you as a suits and gray ties kind of guy.

JSpear84: You picture me?

AWalk90: Well, I’m sure you’re not a building, are you? Whenever you’re ready, I’ll update your webpage with a real picture.

JSpear84: You’re obsessed with the building.

JSpear84: I can’t read the tattoo on the top of your left foot. Your feet are … different.

AWalk90: Different how? I have all 5 toes. Size 8.5 is average for women.

JSpear84: You know what I mean.

AWalk90: Clearly, I don’t.

JSpear84: You’re my assistant. All my employees wear shoes.

AWalk90: I do too. Not when I’m at home though. Shoes are uncomfortable. My tattoo says, let your dreams be bigger than your fears.

JSpear84: You have beautiful feet.

AWalk90: Umm … not sure how to respond. No one has ever said that about my feet.

AWalk90: Got to go. Keep the game going. Text if you need me.

JSpear84: “Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.” JK Rowling.

AWalk90: Favorite quote?

JSpear84: One of them.

AWalk90: You’re not as bad as I thought.

Claudia Burgoa's Books