Fanchon's Book(17)

Then, quite abruptly, she rose from the chair and moved over to toss herself upon the bed, leaving me on the floor, still kneeling, avid for a greater intimacy and yet almost afraid to ask for it. But I had to. The hunger within me had grown too insistent to deny.

"Princess? May I kiss you some more?"

"No. Not yet. Let's just relax awhile. Uh… I think I'd like a cigarette, Fanchon. Are there any around?"

I scurried to fetch the pack. I lit one and placed it between her lips, hoping to keep her in the "princess" mood. Holding up the ashtray in both hands, I went down on my knees beside the bed, letting her know that I was still her slave even though she had interrupted my caresses. Oh, it wasn't difficult to figure out the reason for her sudden coolness. She was punishing me.

And I deserved it. This time when the moment came for me to bury my face in the lush sweetness of her flesh, I would know better than to bite. I had lost my head once, I had actually hurt that delicate treasure but never again! Oh no. Trembling in my need to prove myself, I prayed that she would hurry and finish the cigarette and give me my second chance. But she leaned back against the pillow and smoked lazily.

"Fanchon… "

"Yes, princess?"

"You like it? The way I play? It's not too much for you?"

"I'm your slave, princess. See how I'm kneeling and worshiping you even now? Nothing my beautiful princess could do would be too much for me."

"Don't be so sure about that. I might really get carried away some day. But we'll see. Meanwhile, though, let's just chat a little bit, shall we?"

"If you wish, princess."

"I do wish. But you don't seem very chatty, so I guess I'll just have to ask and find out what I want to know. Remember the other night when you got so excited? Tell me what you were thinking about. I'd like to hear it."

"I-I don't understand. You were my princess and I was a slave making love to you. Is that what you mean?"

"Sort of. But try to think back. Right to that very last minute. Was that the only thought in your mind?"

"Well… uh… " I felt a rush of shame: how right she was! But the thing wasn't easy to talk about and I had to grope for a way to say it aloud. "Funny. You'll probably laugh at me. But I did think of something else; it was almost a hallucination, really. I-I thought of myself as a mouth."

"A mouth?"

"Uh-huh. A sucking mouth."

"Hmm, interesting… "

I waited. She took the ashtray from me and balanced it upon the creamy curve of her belly. It perched there like some barbaric ornament and I only wished that it might have been encrusted with shining jewels. Then, in a languid whisper, "Kiss me now, Fanchon. Show me what a good love-slave you can be."

Ah, how quickly I got between her legs! For this privilege I had gone down on my knees and kissed her hand and licked her feet; now at last she was relenting-and I plunged my lips into the pink-and-gold nest before she came up with some other wild task for me to perform. I sucked her. But slowly, gently, especially so-up above me she was still smoking the cigarette and I had to be careful of the precariously positioned ashtray.

"Ooh, that's good, Fanchon. It's getting me hot.

How about you? Are you getting hot, too?"

"Ummm… " I nodded my head.

"I love your tongue. Do you like doing it to me?"

"Yes… mmmm… "

"Swing around a little so that I can see you. I want to look at your bottom. You have such a nice plump bottom. Yes, that's the way. So nice and plump." Her hand stroked my buttocks. Feathery fingers darted here and there; I squirmed closer, dividing my attention, trying most to concentrate on my mouthful of succulent flesh. She patted me, her palm soft on my skin, the touch light, tantalizing, maddening-but not once did I break the rhythm of my lapping tongue; oh, I was so determined to show my princess what a fine slave I could be. And grateful for the opportunity.

Zane Pella's Books