Fanchon's Book(13)

"Yes, ma'am. Couldn't you tell?" A sheepish grin curved the corners of her lips. "I guess you think I'm pretty silly."

"Not at all, my dear. I only wish I had known about it beforehand. Maybe I would have played the game right along with you. Hmm, now that's an idea, isn't it?"

It was an idea, all right, an important idea, even though I spoke in a bantering tone. So the little imp wanted to be an actress, eh? Well, why not? What a marvelous opportunity for both of us! The more I thought about it, the more I recognized the possibilities involved, wild, erotic; oh, there was no end to the number of delightful scenes we might play together. With a little inventiveness, I could have her eating out of my hand in no time.

"Ma'm? I-I don't understand. You mean you would have stood up and come under the lights with me?"

"Something like that. But only if we had figured out what parts we were going to play. Next time we'll do that, shall we? We'll make up something and have fun."

"Oooh, yes! Ma'm, would you really do that?"

"If it would make you happy. Since I can't reward you with a gift, I suppose I ought to do it in the way you like best. Yes, dear, I'll play your game with you. In fact, we might even attempt it right now."

"Now? But the lamps-they're all-"

"Pooh-Who needs lamps?" Excitement gripped me; Kristi was still exhilarated-flushed face, shining eyes-why not take advantage of such an opening?" All we have to do is choose our roles and start playing them. The entire room can be our stage and-oh, what an idea!-I just thought of something, a good scene to begin with. Shall we give it a try? Just as an experiment?"

"Ma'm… you're so nice. I'm ready. Just tell me what to do. Ooh, I never dreamed it would be like this. Working for you, I mean. I-I-"

"Hush, dear. Don't tell me how you feel; act it out instead. Now there's a part for you to play-you can be a slave girl who worships her mistress. Hmm, we could make something really dramatic out of that, couldn't we? How does it strike you, Kristi, do you think you can playa slave girl?"

"A slave girl… " The green gaze lost some of its luster. "But that wouldn't be acting, would it, ma'm? I'm already your maid and you're my mistress-it's just real life, isn't it? We wouldn't be playing a game at all. "

"Hmm. You do have a point, my dear. But that's easy to fix. Let's say you're not a maid, you're a captive girl in ancient times. And I'm a Roman matron who has bought you at the market-so now you have to please me by being my beautiful love-slave."

"Oh. Ma'm… I-I couldn't. I wouldn't know how."

"That's no problem. I'll show you."

"Ma'm? You? You'll show me? Ooh, yes, that would be fun. Please show me."

"No, dear, I don't think you understand. Once we start playing our parts, I'll tell you exactly what to-" I struck a snag; the woebegone look on the poor child's face stopped me cold. The game meant so much to her and I was apparently spoiling it by changing the rules. What could I do? The little darling loved me-and I did recall having made some sort of promise. Could I disappoint her? Wouldn't that build up the wall of shyness again? And run the risk of another setback just when we were making such wonderful progress?

"Ma'm? Is there something wrong?"

"Not a thing, Kristi. We'll do it your way. And I'll give you a demonstration of how the slave girl's role should be played. Only you'll have to help, of course."

Zane Pella's Books