Fanchon's Book(18)

We remained like that. Minutes, hours, years? I had no idea how long it lasted. An eon, perhaps. But there was no doubt about the end: her fingers shot into me suddenly and I erupted, stifling my shriek of ecstasy in the furry warmth of her. After a while my body went flaccid, drained of all but the contented afterglow.

"Stay there," she murmured. "Keep kissing me. I'll tell you when to stop. I haven't finished my cigarette yet. I do like these extra-king-size ones."

Incroyable! All that joy in the time for one cigarette. And it would always be like that, I realized, just as long as I could hold the little darling close to me. A lifetime in every day. A new, ageless Fanchon in a new, wonderful world. Even now, exhausted from my orgasmic upheaval, I was happy to obey; I went on kissing her, sliding my tongue between the swollen lips that seemed to pucker and kiss me back.

"A mouth… " Her voice was faint, pensive. "Yes, I do find that interesting. A sucking mouth. Maybe I'll think up some kind of scene for next time."

The satisfied afterglow faded; I was getting excited again. Next time? I could hardly wait. Energy poured back into me, the suggestive words rejuvenating my tired body. I raised my bottom-the nice plump bottom that she liked so much-and waggled it to gain her notice. For another touch, hopefully. Another caress. But she only went on smoking the extra-length cigarette.

Chapter 6

A sucking mouth! How I shuddered afterward: had I actually uttered those coarse words myself?

Foolish question. Rhetorical, obviously, inasmuch as most of my shuddering stemmed from desire rather than dismay. Anyway, it was true, wasn't it? No less true than if the vulgar phrase had sprung into existence on a Freudian analyst's couch. A mouth. A sucking. mouth. Maybe I had always felt like that in some sequestered segment of my subconscious.

Oh, I could go on rationalizing it usque ad nauseam, but to what avail? I knew it was so. My little princess knew it was so. The hypothesis had already eclipsed its need for verification; a spade by any other name was still a spade; in a rosebush of sensuality, why be chafed by intellectual thorns? Pleasure had come my way, rare, priceless beyond concept-and if this be unreason, let me make the most of it.

Fanchon, you're a sucking mouth.

I was ready. Ready to hear her say the words. And as it turned out, though, there was no need to plead for her favor. I already had it, evidently; she came into my room dressed in robe and slippers, just as eager for me as I was for her, green eyes glittering, red lips smiling, blonde hair loose and flowing down her back ready for bed, my bed.

"Ma'm, I had such a crazy dream last night. I've been dying to tell you about it all day."

"In that case, I'm dying to hear it."

"Well, it got pretty weird. I was in some kind of sex orgy, right in the middle of it, but I couldn't see the people around me, I could only feel their mouths." She giggled breathlessly. "Oooh, what fun! Mouths and mouths and mouths-there must have been a hundred all kissing me."

"Hmm, quite a dream."

"I'll say. And you know something? I thought of you when I woke up. I was almost tempted to come over here and tell you about it right that minute."

"You should have, my dear. Next time, please do. My beautiful princess is always welcome."

"Next time maybe I will. I sure could have used you."

"Used me? Oh… " I knew what she meant, audacious little minx that she was, and yet even the insolence of her bold statement only stimulated me all the more. "Yes. You could have used me. I wish you had."

"Uh-huh. I'll remember that."

Zane Pella's Books