Fanchon's Book(22)

How I regretted my anger afterward! Even while hustling to clean up Oliver's project, I could see what a fool I had been. It was only natural for my affectionate doll-baby to want to be alone with me, and after the lengthy spell of isolation she certainly had a right to whine. I should have petted her instead of making such an ugly scene. Mea culpa. I would beg her forgiveness. And wasn't it just a wee bit thrilling to know that the peevish little spitfire had showed signs of jealousy? Oh, I could hardly wait to make up with her. And to prove my devotion.

As for my temperamental outburst, though, I had no idea how much I would really regret it until later. With Oliver's business out of the way at last, I hastened to my room expectantly, all keyed up-only to find it empty. Stung by the apparent rebuff, I started my tub running with every intention of bathing and going to sleep and letting the girl sulk. But it didn't take long to change my mind; the poor dear was jealous to the point of distraction, obviously, and could I blame a confused child for losing her sense of proportion?

I tapped on her door and went in. She was sitting up in bed reading a magazine; she dropped it to her lap and peered at me in silence, her pretty face alert and yet touched by a kind of curious impassivity. As if she anticipated either a scolding or an embrace but didn't quite know which. And at that particular moment I decided against any word or gesture that might further widen the rift between us; even the mention of our small spat seemed impractical. There were other, more expedient ways of smoothing things over.

"You look lovely," I said. "Sometimes I forget how beautiful my darling Kristi is. Let me feast my eyes on you."


"But I left the water running in the tub, I'd better go fix it. Won't you come and join me, angel?"

"Yes, ma'm. If you say so. I'll turn it off."

"Oh, I didn't mean that. You don't have to help me."

"But I do, ma'm. That's my job. You're the mistress and I'm the maid-and I guess I'm supposed to earn my keep.". "Darling, you're upset… " I sank to one knee Impulsively and pressed my lips to her hand. "If I hurt your feelings, won't you let me make it up to you?"

"Make it up to me? How?"

"Oh, all kinds of ways. You'll see."

"Well uh I was in the middle of this story-"

"Sweetheart, you don't want to read, do you turned the dainty hand over and bent my head, aglow with sudden elation as the cool palm relented and yielded to the solicitous zeal of my kiss. "Mmm, delicious. I could eat you up. It's been so long."

"It's been long, all right. Too long."

"I know I know. But I'll make it up to you."

"Will you, ma'm? You still haven t to me how."

"Any way you like, darling. I'm at your service. The thought struck me with a near physical impact, a jolt and I laughed to cover my flaring rush of excitement. "Now there's a fun-game we could play. I'm at your service. Little mistress, won't you let me be your maid tonight?"

She giggled. "Really? You mean we switch places? Then, abruptly serious, with a nod that was almost condescending, "Go take your bath, Fanchon. And don't bother about putting anything on. I prefer my servants naked."

"Oh! You darling!"

"Here now, none of that." She disengaged her hand.

"And none of that 'darling' stuff, either. You know my name. Even a stupid maid should be able to figure out how to address her mistress. And what are you hanging around for? Just do your little bow and go take your bath-and be quick about it."

Zane Pella's Books