Fanchon's Book(12)

"Kristi, I have something for you."


"A present. To thank you for such a charming performance."

"Oh. Is that it? Perfume?"

I nodded, somewhat taken aback by her lack of enthusiasm. It was good perfume, a brand ranked among the best, and I had broken the seal on the flacon only a few days ago. But she didn't seem overwhelmed by my expensive gift.

"You don't care for perfume, Kristi?"

"Oh yes, I do, ma'am. And thank you. But I'd rather not take it, if you don't mind."

"You-you don't want it?"

"Please, ma'm, don't be offended. It's just that-well, I didn't put on my show in hopes of earning payment for it." She smiled mischievously, the green eyes glistening. "Besides, if I needed perfume I could use yours and you wouldn't even know about it. And even if you did, I'll bet you wouldn't scold me."

"'Hmph! Little rascal. All right, I think I understand. We'll share the perfume. You may go ahead and use it any time you care to. And that goes for all my cosmetics and hairspray and lotions and things. Fair enough?"

"Uh… yes, ma'am. Thank you."

"But I still want to do something for you. Now, I mean. Because your show pleased me so much. Kristi, you were beautiful. When the lights went on, you took my breath away. From the top of your head right down to your pretty toes, you were perfect. And I'll be unhappy unless you let me reward you in some way. Now be honest with me, my dear. What would you really like?"

"Ma'm? You-you mean it?"

"Yes, dear. What can I give-"

"No. Not that. I don't want any presents. But did you really think I was beautiful? Even my toes?" She giggled again, a sharp sound, more like a peal of giddy excitement. "Ma'm, I know what you can do for me. Uh, it will be such fun. Let me put on another show for you sometime. Will you do that?"

"Another show? But "of course, my dear. I'd like that very much. But then you'd be giving me a gift, wouldn't you?"

"Well… " She hesitated. un-no, ma'm, not exactly. It's kind of funny and I'm not sure how to tell you. Please, ma'm, you won't be angry with me? Promise?"

"Silly girl. I promise."

"It's silly, I'll admit. I guess I'm even a little bit ashamed of it. But as long as I'm going to work for you, then it wouldn't be right to keep secrets and' hide-"

"Kristi, stop that. There's nothing to be ashamed of. At least not in front of me. Whatever it is, I'll understand and I'll sympathize and I'll love you as much as ever. So come now, you sweet thing, just turn your beautiful face up and tell me all about it. Don't keep me in suspense."

"Well… it's about my being an actress."

"Hmm? An actress?"

"Uh, not a real one, ma'm, just make-believe. I know I could never be in the movies or anything like that. But it's a kind of game I play when I'm by myself-I think up a part and then try to act it out. And sometimes I get so wrapped up in it that I even forget I'm acting. Isn't that awful?"

"Awful? Why, no, Kristi, I think it's cute. But you mustn't frighten me like that; the way you were talking, I thought you were hiding some terrible, horrible vice that might bring the gendarmes down on our necks."

"Uh. I'm sorry, ma'm."

"Nothing to be sorry about. But tell me, uh, this game you play, was that what you were doing when you posed under the lights? Were you being an actress then?"

Zane Pella's Books