Fallen Crest High(66)

He frowned and scratched at his head. "But you live in Forrest."

"Yes," she snapped at him. "I drove two hours on the slight hope you'd be at Ethan's house. In fact, I had no idea you'd be here. I got in my car and drove, just drove. My gut brought me here."

He looked at me. "You know Samantha?"

She snorted and gave me a withering look. "Yep, we're best friends. I gave her the whole scoop on you so if you haven't bagged her yet, she'll know how to make it good for you in bed."

He gave her a cocky grin.

She upped the withering glare to a hateful one at him before she looked back.

"I thought you said you didn't know him."

I shrugged. "Who doesn't know Logan Kade?"

"Right." She shook her head. "Why did I come back here? That's right, my whorish cousin. That's why."

"I thought you said she was your best friend."

"One of and she's also a cousin." She swung her purse onto her arm and turned around with a hand poised on her hip. "Logan, do you know this Adam guy?"

He glanced over. "Quinn?"

I nodded.

"Sam knows him better."


He rolled his eyes. "Fine. He's the quarterback for the Academy."

"Where does he live?"

I raised a hand. "He wouldn't take her to his house."

She kept her back turned to me. "Logan, where does he live? Tanya's not home."

Logan looked at me.

I sighed. "He lives on 8th and Saxton Ave. I don't know his house number, but it's got a red mailbox on it."

"Logan," she urged again.

"Oh my god," he groaned. "Sam, what does he drive?"

"A car. I don't know."


He spoke for her again. "You've been in his car, Sam. I've seen you. What kind of car is it?"

"Sam?" Becky stumbled out from under the canopy, rubbing at her eyes.

"What's going on?"

"Hey." I rounded on her as a different thought occurred to me. "Adam drove you, didn't he?"

"Yeah…" She yawned widely.

And that meant—I whirled back around. "He's still here. He wouldn't leave her so they're probably inside."

Tate stepped around me and folded her arms over her chest. She bent forward and peered into Becky's eyes. "He wouldn't leave you?"

She shook her head, confused. "Who are you?"

Her eyes flashed in annoyance. "Doesn't matter. I've heard what I need to.

Thanks." And she brushed past all of us. As she swept past Logan, he stepped to the side so her shoulder wouldn't hit him and whistled under his breath as he watched her trudge up the hill. She flicked him off behind her back, but he only laughed.

"Hey." Becky stepped beside me and held onto my arm. She struggled to stay on her feet. "Could I get a ride home?"

"What about Adam?"

She grinned, but immediately covered her mouth with her hand and jerked to the side. After a couple minutes and after she had stopped vomiting, she stood back up. "He took off long ago."

"You said—"

"She was not being nice." Becky shrugged, but clasped onto my arm again.

I couldn't stop the smile from my face, but looked where Logan still stood.

"Could we both get a ride home?"

Tijan's Books