Fallen Crest High(63)

He grinned. "You guess? You either know them or you don't. Man, Jessica crapped her pants tonight."


He nodded and twisted his fingers in his hair to pull it up. It was full of gell and stood straight up. It gave him a Mohawk look. Then he messed it up and flattened it again. "Jill's going crazy too. She doesn't know if she should kiss your rear or be a bigger bitch to you."

I glanced around. No one cared about our conversation. It was refreshing.

"What do you think?"

He shrugged. "Whatever. Good for you."

I sighed. "Jeff, what are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" He stood straighter.

"Why are you talking to me now?"

He shrugged again and slid his hands into his back pockets. "I don't know.

Guess it feels okay now, you know? I mean, I felt bad about what happened with us and then I was with Jill so quick. I didn't feel like I could apologize to you and then the other day…in the hallway…" He took a deep breath. "I know it's over."

I remembered and nodded. For some reason my throat felt closed off.

He gave me a bright smile. "And if you're going to be with Quinn, he's a nice guy usually, but you should know that he's not always."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

He jerked an arm towards the docks and boats. "He's down there being an ass.

I guess he's pissed about you and the Kades knowing each other."

Great. If Jeff was the one who warned me then it was bad, really bad. And as I got closer to a pontoon attached to the dock, I heard Adam's voice. He was drunk and when I stepped onto it and peered under the canopy I saw a girl in his lap and one of his hands between her legs. The other was stroking her knee.

I took a breath. Something told me to be prepared.

He murmured something in the girl's ear and she let out a throaty giggle. It grated against my ears, but when I heard another squeal, I looked closer.

Becky was huddled in the seat behind them. Her knees were drawn against her chest and she was hugging them to her. When her eyes met mine for a second, she squealed again and ducked her head down.

"Well hey there, Sam!" Adam heralded. He threw an arm out. "Welcome to our lowly depths."

I rolled my eyes and sat stiff in a chair towards the front. I turned towards them. "I see you've been enjoying the party."

"Why shouldn't I?"

The girl in his lap squeaked and shifted under his hold.

He grinned and nipped at her shoulder.

I eyed the happy couple before I met Becky's gaze. The sadness in her was evident and when she wiped a tear away, I stood. "Can I talk to you, Becky?"

"Why talk to only her?" Adam stopped us. "You've been lying to me too. Or were you laughing at us behind our backs?"

"I wasn't laughing at anyone."

Becky stood, but hesitated behind him.

"Becky, please. I'd like to explain."

Her hands were clasped together and she looked down at them.

Adam deposited the girl to another chair and stood between us. He stepped closer to me and asked in a harsh tone, "You want to lie to her again? Hurt her some more?"

I frowned and looked up at him. "Are you trying to intimidate me? Are you really this hurt because I didn't tell you I knew the Kades?"

He bit out, "You played me for a fool."

Becky stepped around him and laid a hand on his arm. "He's just protecting me."

Tijan's Books