Fallen Crest High(58)

I grinned. "Ah, what all rapists say to their intended victims."

Nate pulled back, narrowed his eyes, but barked out an abrupt laugh. "Yeah, I guess." Then he nodded in the direction of Jessica and Lydia. "You want me to play guard dog until you're in Mason's car?"

I spotted the black Escalade not far and shook my head. "Nah. I'm good." Then I chuckled to myself. "This is becoming a whole adventure."

"Guess you could look at it that way." He patted my shoulder again. "See you later."

"See ya," I muttered under my breath as I watched him cut through Jessica and Lydia like a knife would go through butter. He didn't give care who he rolled over and both jumped back, eyes wide in shock.

I shook my head and couldn't stop another chuckle as I swung towards Mason's car. "Samantha!" Jessica called after me, but I ignored her until I was close to his car. Then I turned back around, leaned against his hood, and crossed my legs. I wasn't about to hide inside.

They stood where I had left and watched me. Jill and Ashley joined them and all four didn't say a word as they stared.

I lifted my chin up.

We were at a stand-off, but it didn't last long. Adam came out of the locker room and started to walk to his car. He caught sight of the other girls, followed their gazes and saw me. He stopped in the middle of us before he shook his head and came over. When he drew near, he reached up and shook out some of his wet hair.

"Hey." He nodded across the parking lot. "What's with the brigade over there?"

I frowned. I hadn't considered Adam before. "It's nothing, just stupid stuff."

"This about Sallaway again?"

I barked out a laugh. "No, not this time."

"Oh." He gave me a small smile. "So you came without Becky, huh?"

"Yep. I sat with some snobby sophomore even. Good times."

He grinned. "I just got off the phone with her."

"The stuck-up sophomore?" I teased.

"Becky," he laughed. "She said something about a sleeping pill so now she can sneak out. Want to go with me? I was going to pick her up before some party the guys want to hit tonight."

"What party is that?"

He shrugged. "I'm not sure, but it's a Public one so I'm sure it'll be good. You want to come with?" Then his eyes widened a bit and a quick frown appeared.

"Isn't this Mason Kade's car?"

"Um…" I stood from the car. "About that, I should call Becky. There are some things I need to tell her first…before she hears it from the wrong people."

He stepped back and a wall came over him. "So you do know the Kades."

I hesitated and lifted my shoulders. There wasn't much I could say, not when I owed Becky an explanation first. She was the only one who really deserved one, if anyone even did.

"Got it." He nodded his head in an abrupt jerking movement. "Maybe I'll see you at the party, huh?"

"Adam." He turned and started for his car at a fast walk. I called after him again, "Adam."

"Are you dating your team's quarterback?"

I turned back around. Mason stood behind me and I searched for any inflection on his question. There was none. He didn't seem to care. His hair was wet from a shower and he wore a plain black tee shirt over jeans.

I shrugged now. "Not really."

He grinned and took his keys from my hand. "I would've sacked him harder if I knew that." As he unlocked the car and we both got in, he asked, "You hungry?"

Tijan's Books