Fallen Crest High(62)

Her smile seemed strained at the corners and she edged back a step. "What are you talking about? I talked to you at the game tonight."

I pushed off from the wall. "You said hi to me, after you had won a date with Logan."

"What?" Logan stood too.

"Yeah, Logan." She surged forward and gave him a sultry smile. "I won the date with you."

"What date?"

She faltered. "The one for charity. There was a raffle."

"You serious?"

Ethan leaned back from the table. "Dude, that pepgirl asked you last week if you'd do it."

"Oh—I thought she was asking me out. She was hot." Logan flashed a smirk and whistled under his breath.

Ethan clapped him on the shoulder. "What'd you think when you never went out?"

"Nah, we did. Last night."

Jessica's shoulders dropped as each statement was spoken between the two.

Her head hung almost to the floor now.

I had no sympathy for her, none at all.

Logan must've noticed my gaze because he spoke up, "Did you pay a lot for that date?"

Her head bounced back up. "Some."

A hard look entered his eyes. "Are you going to screw me afterwards?"

She gulped, but responded in a timid voice, "Is that what you want?"

"You think I take girls out for nothing?"

Ethan watched the exchange and I felt his gaze rest on me for a moment.

Wisely, he kept quiet.

"Maybe if you liked her?"

Logan barked out a laugh. It sounded harsh. "You paid for me. You think you're a girl that I like? There's very few who'd fall in that category."

Jessica glanced at me. "You seem to like Samantha."

His arm came around my shoulders and he pulled me close. "Well, if she wasn't spoken for…and if her mom wasn't doing my dad then maybe…"

"Her mom?"

My face got hot. "None of your business. Logan, shut up about that."

His smirk vanished. "Sorry." I shoved his arm off and started to brush past him, but he caught my arm. "I am sorry. I didn't think about your situation."

There was a scathing comment on the tip of my tongue, but I twisted my arm free and shoved through the crowd that had appeared. I gritted my teeth as I had to push through the hallways. The house was huge, but it seemed the entire two schools had shown up. It was standing room only and that was an exaggeration.

I headed for the lake and took a deep breath when I was able to break free from the house. The crowds outside were widely dispersed over the backyard and down the hill by the lake. Bonfire smell filled the air, mixed with a moist feel that was from the lake and slip-n-slide.

Two girls dashed past me giggling and two more boys followed in pursuit. All of them were soaked head to toe. One almost bowled me over, but he caught me and rushed out, "Sorry, little Kade."

My blood boiled and I snapped, "I'm not a Kade!"

But he was gone.

'Dammit, Logan."

As I made my way further down the hill, I spotted Mason and Nate. They were beside a bonfire in a far corner and each nodded in greeting, but they didn't come over and neither gestured for me to go to them.

Fine by me.

I relaxed a little and kept on. Finally I heard a voice I recognized.


"So you know the Kades?"

I turned around and braced myself, but there was no anger in his voice. After I searched his face, I didn't see any in his eyes either and relaxed again. "I guess."

Tijan's Books