Fallen Crest High(64)

"From who?" I looked around. "Me? Because I didn't want people to know my parents are getting a divorce?"

Adam laughed and shook his head. "Yeah, right."

"You knew it was happening. You were there when I was in my dad's office.

You helped tape my hands."

Becky looked at him. "Is that true?"

"Yeah, but I didn't know about the Kades."

My jaw hardened. "I know them, I'm not screwing them."

He didn't say anything.

And Becky looked at me. "You're not with Mason Kade? Lydia said you got in his car and…"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, for god's sake. If Lydia said it, it must be true, right? I can't believe this. You're listening to my old best friend who knew my other best friend and boyfriend were sleeping together behind my back for two years. I'm sure she's the best source in the world to listen to."

She hesitated. "She said you seemed close."

"I saw you get in his car," Adam said in an accusing manner.

"I did, you're right. So, of course, that means I'm having sex with him. I've gotten in your car twice. Have I spread 'em for you too?"

He looked away. "It's not the same thing."

"Yes, it is. And, by the way, why do I have to explain anything to you? You've been my friend for what? Two weeks? You asked me out a couple times and I'm supposed to open my closet for you? How many dirty skeletons do you have that I don't know about?"

His mouth shut.

"Exactly." I swung towards Becky. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I knew the Kades, but it's not something I want to talk about. It has to do with my parent's divorce, another thing I don't want spread around the school."

Both of them looked away.

I sighed. "Can I ask you both to keep this quiet?"

The girl who'd been on Adam's lap lifted her hand. "I won't say anything."

I snorted. "Thanks for that. Who are you?"

She gave me a bright smile and flicked her bleach blonde hair over her shoulder. "I'm Tanya. I know Logan so I definitely won't say anything."

I couldn't believe this girl. "You know Logan?"

"We went out last night."

Of all ironies. I glanced at Adam. "You got a keeper there."

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "I was pissed."

Then Becky reached out and squeezed my hand. "You know the Kades?" The excitement in her eyes made me pause. Then I grinned and shook my head.

Becky never stayed down for long.


It was five in the morning and I was drunk. Becky had passed out next to me on the pontoon while Adam took his pepgirl home long ago. I lifted my red cup and tried to sip from it, but there wasn't anything in it. I tipped it over and not a drop fell out.

When had that happened?

"I was told Tanya was down here."

A leggy blonde stepped onto the pontoon and bent down to get a better look under the canopy. Becky snored and rolled over.

I squinted against the moonlight at this new stranger. She had long hair, slightly curled, that hung almost to her waist and she wore a classy v-neck sleeveless shirt over tight jeans. The high heels caught my attention. Their silver color matched her top perfectly.

I sighed. This girl was sober. I could tell. I was usually sober. Not tonight.

"So…is she here?" she asked further.


Tijan's Books