Fallen Crest High(71)

"And that doesn't bother you?"

"He won't kick us off." He frowned. "Why do you care about that?"

His question threw me backwards a step. Why did I? I shrugged and slid my hands into the back pockets of my running shorts. I was trying to look cool. My sweat had dried, but my nose twitched at the smell of it as it hung in the air.

"Look," I started. "I'm not up for another party. Besides, I think that Tate girl is out for my head."

Mason shot up from the doorway and the wall slammed over his face again.


Logan's eyes clasped shut behind him and his head went down. His shoulders dropped.

I sucked in my breath and my eyes widened. "Uh…I mean…"

"You met Tate?"

I nodded.

"At the last party?"

I nodded again.

"Why'd she be pissed with you?"

I shrugged and looked away.

"Sam." He grasped my shoulder and I squeaked. I threw a look at Logan, but quickly glanced away. Too late. Mason followed my gaze and saw his brother.

"Tate's in town?"

Logan's head lifted and a haunted look was in his eyes. "Yeah."

"When?" Mason's voice was biting.

"She came last Saturday. She was looking for a chick that Sam's quarterback was banging."

Mason looked back at me. His eyes were cold. "What does she want with you?"

"Becky and I lied to her. She seems like the type to hold a grudge."

"What the hell, man?"

It took me a second to realize Mason wasn't referring to me. I looked up with his hand still on my shoulder and saw something pass between the two brothers. Logan backed up and gave him a tight smile. "What do you want?"

"You're still covering for her."

Though Mason's statement came out quiet, there was a dangerous feel to it.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood upright and I was frozen in place. His hands gripped my shoulder tighter. A bruise would appear there, but it didn't hurt. I didn't feel a thing at that moment.

"Sam, honey?" My mom's voice came up from the stairway.

Everyone reacted.

Mason shoved me away. When I caught my balance and looked up both of their doors had been shut. I hurried into mine and locked it when my mother turned the knob. "Sam, can you please talk to me? I'd really like to talk to you about David. And James told me he had a word with you. I'd like to talk to you about him as well." She waited a moment. "Please, honey?"

I stood on the other side and held my breath. My heart was pounding, but it wasn't from my mother, for once. And then when I heard her walk away, I let out that deep breath and sagged against the door. My hands and legs shook when I made my way to the shower so I slid down the wall and let the water slam over me.

It was an hour later before I went downstairs in sweats and a tank. My hair was pulled back by a headband and my body felt strong from the latest run.

When I went into the kitchen, I expected everyone else to be gone, but drew up short. Logan sat at the table in the dark. A glass was in front of him and a bottle of Brandy beside that.

He looked up at me and his lip curved upwards in a snarl. "Hey, thanks."

"For what?" I eyed him, but relaxed when he didn't stand up.


"Where's Mason and Nate?"

"Where do you think?" he bit out and raised his glass for a drink. He set it down hard.

Tijan's Books