Fallen Crest High(72)

"What?" I couldn't believe this. "Are you being punished? Did they go out without you?"

He sighed and looked away.

"Are you twelve now?" Where had the cocky smooth-talker gone? Or the vindictive guy who had humiliated Jessica for me?

His voice came out low. "There's a lot of history that you don't know about."

"Why are you telling me that?"

His eyes found me and the seriousness in them held my breath. "So that you can tread carefully from now on." He pushed up from the table now. "My advice: shut up about what you don't know." He brushed past me as I stood still and finished the rest of his Brandy before he put the empty glass away.

The bottle was left on the counter.

He left a second later and his yellow Escalade tore from the driveway.

It took me a moment to realize that my heart wasn't pounding. My legs were strong. And a sense of calm settled over me. What that meant, I had no idea.


My phone woke me the next morning and I groaned when I saw that it was past eleven. "Hello?"

"Hi!" Becky chirped at me.

I swore under my breath and buried my head under my pillow.



"Hold on."I sat up and wiped at my face. I needed to wake up. I couldn't handle how alert she sounded at that moment. "Hi…"

"Did you just wake up?"

When I tried to straighten my legs, they cramped up and I bit back more curses. Pain throbbed in them and I knew it was from the running. How long had I gone last night?


"What?" I readjusted the phone when I felt myself waken more. "Tell me you're not going to bed now."

"I'm not." She giggled. "But my folks are going to the Fallen Crest Country Club with Adam's family. My mom wanted me to invite you. We'd pay for your entry and everything else is on Adam's dad. He has some account with the club, I think."

"Since when do you guys go to the Country Club?"

"My parents aren't members, but we go with Adam's parents sometimes.

They're members."

That sounded right.

And then a different thought formed. "Is my mom a member there?"

She giggled again. "Do you mean is James Kade a member?"

I groaned. I'd forgotten she knew, hell—everyone knew. Maybe. I could spread a rumor that I paid the Kade brothers to act like they knew me. People would eat that up in an instant. Things would all go back to how they should've been, with me being alone.

"I have lots of gossip to tell you about last night too." She sounded breathless in her excitement and I perked up. Whatever it was would be good, or I hoped.

I could use some gossip that had nothing to do with me.

"Okay. What time do you want me over there?" I swung my legs over and stood. They were a bit wobbly, but I pushed past it and hurried into my bathroom. "Should I meet you at the club?"

"We could pick you up?"


"Okay, okay. Yeah, meet us at the club. We're going to leave soon so call me when you get to the parking lot."

"Sounds good."

"Oh and I think Adam's bringing Tanya."

"Who's Tanya?" Then I remembered. "Is her cousin going to be there too?"

"I hope not." Becky kept giggling. "See you there!"

"See ya," I mumbled into the phone before I ended the call and set it down. I frowned at it for a moment. She sounded very perky and very excited. Becky like that, with Adam bringing a girl, couldn't mean anything good…could it?

Tijan's Books