Fallen Crest High(76)

"And did he?"

She jerked a shoulder up. "I don't know. Adam never told me that, but he said there was a strange comment Logan made to him."

"To Adam?"

"No, to Mason."

"What was it?"

"He said, 'you bruised her shoulder.'" She leaned back.

I waited. Nothing. "And?"

"That was it. I guess Mason left after that."

"He bruised Tate's shoulder?"

She shook her head. "That's the thing. Adam said everyone looked at her shoulders, but there wasn't anything there. She had on some wrap-around shawl or something, but her shoulders were bare. No bruises. Nothing." And then her eyes fell to my shoulders.

I was glad for covering them up and I felt a small tingling sensation where a small bruise had formed from Mason's hand. I was tense, waiting for her to ask. But she didn't. I felt Becky's eagerness and knew she wanted to, but she held her tongue. I was grateful as I reached for my orange juice. I downed the whole thing. Champagne had been added to it and I sat back, surprised.

"What?" She held back a small grin.

"I just got served alcohol."

She giggled. "Your dad's the head coach for FC Academy and we're here with Adam's dad. Steven Quinn is powerful in this town too."

"Where did Adam go?"

She gestured to a back corner. Adam's father was close to another woman with his hand on her thigh. He leaned close to whisper something in her ear, but I looked further to the right where Adam stood and watched the exchange.

When his jaw clenched, I knew he was angry, but then I sat up straight. My father had appeared out of my nowhere. Not my father. David.

And the heavily made-up woman whose hair was pulled up in a loose bun moved away from Adam's father and extended her red nails to my father. Her hand paused on his chest and she tilted her head to the side. Loose curls that fell from her bun slid over her shoulder and she seemed to be laughing when she swept them further back.


I ignored Becky's warning comment and stood.


"Sam." David moved back a step when I stopped near him. I felt Adam come up behind my elbow, but he remained quiet.

"Dad." And I waited. Would he correct me?

He gave me a tight smile and I knew he wouldn't. Instead he gestured towards the woman and Adam's father. "Have you met my daughter? This is Samantha."

The woman held out her arm and tried to melt me with her smile. "Hello, you're so precious, so beautiful. Penelope."

Adam's father moved away from the woman and nodded. "Steven. I think we've met once."

Adam spoke up, "No, dad. You didn't formally meet her. We left the house early that day."

"Oh yes, that's right." Then he turned to David. "David, what do you have planned for next week's game? You think we're going to pull out a win against Leers?"

David cleared his throat. "We're going to try, that's for certain."

"Dad, don't you guys have your annual football dinner tonight?"

He opened his mouth and stared at me. "Uh…"

"That's right." Penelope's laugh rang out. "I was just talking to your father about that. He said he's going to be alone tonight. Heavens, we can't have that, can we?"

"Certainly not." My jaw ached from how tight it was.

"Dad, you're going with me, right?" Adam brushed against my elbow when he moved forward. He stood close to me and I feel his tension.

Tijan's Books