Fallen Crest High(80)

Then he said, "Does it matter? He's there. With her."

I frowned. "You say that like my mom's the other woman. Was she?" Wasn't he the other man for her?

He shrugged and stood to go in his bathroom. I waited a second, but took a deep breath and followed. As I stepped in the doorway, Mason let loose his shorts and turned on the shower.

I was struck by his nudity. He didn't care. Most guys might've done it for shock value, but he didn't care. This was Mason. Then he looked up and grinned.

"Wanna join?"

I took a step inside.

His grin turned to something else.

I stepped closer and tilted my head up. He looked down and we stood close, close enough to touch. His hand brushed against my hipbone and I closed my eyes. His hand started to caress me there. A flooding filled me and a need started to throb between my legs. I held my breath and my head started to hang down. It rested against his chest.

Then I felt his lips against my forehead. He skimmed them lightly.

My hand reached up and curled onto his arm. It hung there.

When he bent forward and I felt his arm start to wrap around, I pulled back, breathless. My heart was pounding in my ears and I could only look at him, stricken. He gazed down at me and his lips moved. I knew he was saying something, but I couldn't hear over my heartbeat. I shook my head and tried to explain that to him, but I couldn't. My throat didn't work. My tongue didn't work. Nothing worked anymore except my feet. They pulled me away and I was soon hurrying to my room.

The door shut behind me, but it wasn't enough. I turned the lock and backed up three steps. I stared down and watched the handle. I waited for it to turn, but it never did. Nothing happened. He never came.

I kept backing up until I felt my bed behind my legs and sat abruptly. My arms were still wrapped around me. I sat there and waited for my heartbeat to settle, until I could hear things again. Everything was so deafening.


The football dinner was uneventful, at least for my latest standards of drama.

Jill was there with Jeff and she sneered at me most of the time. Not surprising.

Jessica had landed herself a date too, but I had no idea who he was. He was on the team, obviously. And while her newfound friend sneered at me, Jessica was void of emotion. She didn't ignore me like she had been till the Kade Coming Out news, but she didn't kiss my ass either. I caught her gaze a couple times and once thought she looked sad, but shrugged it off. She should be sad.

The only thing that bothered me at the dinner was the interest Malinda Decraw showed in David when she sat beside him after the second round of cocktails.

She was the single mother of Mark Decraw, one of Becky's termed Academy Elite. He was co-captain and Amelia White's date that night. I knew Becky would be salivating at the gossip, but all I cared about was how many times Malinda did the hair flip.

She'd smile at David, lean close, and flip her hair. Then she would laugh, touch his arm or his shoulder (once), and flip the hair again.

When I left the dinner and spotted Mark and Amelia kissing by his car, I was tempted to corner them about Malinda's intentions. But I refrained. With my luck, that would bring more drama and as I let myself into the Kade mansion, I had enough on my hands.

Analise stood in the kitchen with a large glass of wine and two bottles beside her. Her eyes were glazed over and she swayed from side to side. Her hair was messed and looked haphazard while her white dress slipped off one shoulder.

The top of her red bra was visible.

My mom was drunk.

Logan and Nate both sat on a counter with their legs dangling while Mason was propped against the doorway with his arms closed over his chest. As usual, he was unreadable while Logan had a look of delight on his face. Nate was fighting back his own laughter.

Tijan's Books