Fallen Crest High(126)

His mouth fell.

"See ya. Thanks." Logan chuckled and waved his fingers at him. "Family meeting, mofo."

He growled and then stomped out the door. As soon as he was gone, Logan folded his arms and stuck his chin out. "You've got the floor, Mason. Go ahead."

Mason threw him a dark look before he swiftly pivoted on his heel and pulled the door shut. As soon as it clicked in place, he was in Logan's face. "Are you kidding me? You want another go at this kid?"

"Yeah. I want to be there this time."

"Logan, this kid isn't some public student. He's Academy. His dad does business with ours. We can't keep fighting these pricks."

"Why not? He's a loser?"

"Because dad could suffer for what we're doing."

Logan rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on. Dad owns this town. He's running half the state. He's got businesses all over the world. I don't think we need to worry about this kid." He gestured to me again. "Besides, you really like how he keeps sniffing around Sam? You know he's rallying to come back around with her again. I bet you anything he was going to try last night, but she shot him down."

"This isn't about Sam."

"Yeah, it is."

Mason stood in front of him and faced him squarely. "You're going to be selling that crap?"

Logan lifted his chest up. "Why wouldn't I? It's the truth."

"Then you're on his level. You want to see who has the biggest balls.

Congratulations, Logan. I do. I punched him out."

Logan narrowed his eyes. "You're putting me on his level?"

Mason shoved his face against his. "I'll punch you out too."

Logan shoved him back and jumped off the desk. I braced myself, ready for round two, but Mason shook his head and backed away. "Grow up, Logan. It's fun and all, but dad's involved. You think this is good for him where he has to throw his weight around so I don't go to jail and you want to do it again?

Pricks like this guy don't get bullied down."

The corner of Logan's mouth twitched. And then he exuded a deep breath and jumped to the floor. He shook his hands in front of him and seemed to be shaking something off. "Whatever. Fine. You're right."

Mason growled and crossed his arms over his chest. "Damn right I am. If I get out of this, we stay away from these guys for awhile, alright?" He tapped Logan's chest with a finger. "Okay?"

Logan shoved his finger away, but the corner of his mouth curved up. "Fine.

You're usually right about these things, but man—I wanted to punch that kid.

You don't know how hard it was to get that text that you knocked him out and I wasn't there."

"Take it out on Roussou Friday. Those guys are a better fight."

"Yeah, maybe."

They both fell into a shared silence and I held my breath. I was unsure what to say or if I wanted to break whatever camaraderie they'd fallen into. My hands were shaking and I tucked them under my legs, but I tried to quell my voice.

"I don't really understand what just happened with you guys, but am I the only one worried about Mason here?"

Logan cracked a grin and he was back to his usual cocksure way. "He'll be fine.

Dad will get him off. We need to more worry about your situation."

I shivered as I remembered the few times I had glimpsed when Miranda or any member of the Elite had walked past our doorway. If looks could kill…

Tijan's Books