Fallen Crest High(128)

Now, after four hours of deliberations we've decided that you will volunteer at our school's alumni festival this Saturday."

"What does that mean?" Mason had leaned back against the table where I sat, but he stood now. His arm brushed against my leg.

I glanced down at the contact. A shiver went through me, but my heart pounded. He had said three parts, those were only two…

"You will help with the set up, you will do whatever I tell you to do throughout the day to help out, and you will help with the clean up. There is a dinner that night for the volunteer and staff. I will determine if you will be invited to that or not."

"Oh." Mason leaned back beside me again. His arm was loose again. "That's fair."

David frowned at him.

"You said three parts," I spoke up. David turned towards me and pinned me with his gaze. He was trying to search inside of me. His eyes narrowed and they glanced back and forth from Mason and me.

"Sam," my mom hissed.

David held a hand up. "No, that's fine, Analise. I did say three parts and the third part's already been taken care of. Your father has made a generous donation to the school."

Logan snorted. "Dad, you bought his way out—"

James turned on him. "You will keep your mouth shut, Logan."

His eyes widened and his mouth jerked in reaction, but Logan shrunk against the counter he sat on. His eyes took on an angry leer.

James' eyes were lidded, but he turned towards my father and jerked his head down in a nod. "As you were saying, David…"

My dad cleared his throat once more.

Malinda moved forward a step and touched the small of his back.

My heart snapped and I jumped to my feet. "What are you doing in here?"


I ignored my dad and walked to her. "You're Mark's mother. You have no connection to anyone in here. Why are you here?"

Her mouth formed a small oval, but she looked to David.

He stepped between us and spoke in a quiet voice, "She is here for me. She's become a good friend to me, Samantha."

I fell back, reeling, and looked at my mother. She had grown pale with a hand pressed against her chest. Her other hand clung to one of James'. It was hidden from eyesight, but I still saw it. When she realized that I saw it, she gasped and retracted her hand to her side.

Why was she pale? And why did she need comfort from James…then I understood. My heart sank and my stomach had dropped to the floor. It was really over with them. My mom had moved on with James, David was starting to move on as well… My head fell forward and I hugged myself.

A hand touched my side gently. Mason tugged me back by the belt loop on my jeans. He tucked me behind him and moved forward a step. "I heard that festival is for two days?"

David was still looking between us. "Uh—yes—yes, it is." He frowned. "Why?"

"I could volunteer both days."

"You could?"

"Man," Logan hissed softly.

Mason nodded. He held his gaze steadily. "It's the least I could do."

David gave him a sad smile. "Your school won't suspend you. We both know that, they need you for their football game."

The corner of Mason's mouth twitched. "What time should I be here on Saturday?"

"Seven sharp. Come to my office."

Mason's head jerked in a nod. "Will do."

David looked at me. "Would you come to my office later today?"

Tijan's Books