Fallen Crest High(129)

I stared at Malinda behind him. "No."


He waved a hand in the air. "It's fine, Analise. I can talk to her next week."

My mom trembled, but she nodded at him and tried to muster a smile.

For a moment, David looked around the room and then he gave out a soft sigh. "I guess I'll be in touch then…"

James strode forward and held out a hand. "Thank you, David."

They clasped their hands in a firm handshake and studied each other for a beat. Then David nodded again and turned for the door. He held it open as Malinda swept out before him. Pain sliced through me when I saw his hand touch the small of her back and remain there, even after they went in the hallway.

When the door closed, I was barely aware of Mason. He stood and I heard his voice at a distance, "Mom's coming to town. We'd like to stay with her at the hotel."

"I think that'd be for the best this week…"



And then there was silence. David and Analise were actually done… The realization settled on my chest and a wave of tears threatened me. I rushed from the room and shoved through the hallway. When I found an empty backroom, I locked the door, kept the lights off, and slid to the ground. My forehead touched my knees and I sobbed.


I went to my last two classes, though I didn't learn a thing. My body had gone numb again. I missed that feeling and I was itching for another three hour run.

My body ached for it.

Becky chatted to me after school. I had no idea what she said, but I nodded my head at random moments and she kept chatting away. When I looked for my keys in my bag, I cursed and hit my head against my locker.


I mumbled, "Mason drove me today."

"He did?" She straightened from a locker. "Oh, right. That makes sense, why he was here…wait…is he coming back to give you a ride home?"

Then my phone beeped and I pulled it out. He had sent me four text messages and the last one read, 'two practices tonight, then with mom and logan. Can you get a ride home? Need me to send someone?'

I cursed again. "Can I get a ride home with you?"

Becky's eyes got wide and her lips clamped together. A strange gurgle escaped her lips.

"What does that mean?"

She whispered, "Adam gave me a ride." She jumped back and pressed a hand to her mouth. "I'm sorry."

"No, that's fine. I'll think of something."

She edged closer a step. "He can't come and get you?"

I shook my head. My throat was so closed up, had been all day. "No, they have two practices tonight and their mom's in town." And that meant I wouldn't see either of them all week…probably… I swallowed over a lump.

"Hey, I bet Adam would give you a ride!" Her head bounced up and down.

"Yeah, yeah. I bet he would. I think he feels real bad. He called me last night and said that he wanted to make things better with you. He wanted all three of us to be friends again."

"He did?"

"Uh, yeah. I mean, why would he make that up if he didn't mean it?" Her grin turned sloppy and a glaze drifted over her eyes.

Oh boy. I recognized that look.

She sighed dreamily, "Wouldn't it be wonderful if all three of us hung out again? And then maybe he'd realize he needed me in his life?"

I gave her a blank stare. "What do you mean? You are in his life; he gave you a ride to school."

Tijan's Books