Fallen Crest High(125)

"Logan, dude." Another guy followed him in, looking irritable. I recognized him from one of their parties. "You just took off. This place is bitch heaven, at least grace me with some bread crumbs."

"Ethan, chill. They're easy."

He grimaced. "I'm not talking about those; I'm talking about the dudes.

They're all over. Their pants are pressed so tight I keep expecting to smell aromatherapy or whatever my mom sells with her scentsy stuff. They fart daisies. I know it."

Logan laughed and hit him in the backside of his head. Ethan shot away and glared again. His eyebrows rose at an alarming height.

Mason sighed and leaned back in his chair. "We've been cooped up here for four hours. Dad showed up after an hour and we were hauled back here."

Logan smirked. "Was he dressed to impress?"

"You know it. Remind 'em who brings the money in." He glanced at me. "Her mom had some lacey bridal dress on."

I glanced down and folded my arms. A stab of pain went through my gut when I remembered how Analise had pranced through my school's doorway. It'd been her second time to visit. The first time had been an event for David.

Both brothers shared a grin. "You're totally going to get off for this."

Ethan shared in their dark humor and grinned. "Isn't one punch considered assault or something? My cousin knocked a guy out cold. That dude had been harassing him and his girlfriend and my cousin got the rap for it."

Mason shrugged and stood. He started to pace. Even with his muscular physique, the gracefulness of his walk reminded me a lean panther trapped in a cage. He kept glancing at the open door. The bell had rung again and students passed by. I had stopped watching after awhile. Not one person went by that didn't look in. They all wanted to get a glimpse. We were on display at a human zoo.

I asked Logan, "Aren't you guys supposed to be in school? It's one in the afternoon."

"Yeah, right. I'm not going to be there when my brother's over here. Besides, coach sent me over." He nodded at Mason. "We have twofers for the rest of the week. He said you have to make them all, tonight too, if you're going to play."

Irritation flared over his face and he scowled. "Against Roussou? Of course I'm going to play. It's our second chance to beat them. I hate their quarterback."

"More than the Academy's?" Ethan joked.

Logan tipped his head back to cackle while Mason flexed his knuckles.

"Whatever. I'm sick of this. I'm starting to wish I hadn't finished him."

Logan looked taken aback and thrust his hand out towards me. "Whatever. The guy's going to back down. He knows you can beat his—"

Ethan interjected, "One punch, mofo."

"—and now he might calm down. His panties are all twisted because of Sam anyway—"


Ethan frowned at me.

"—but now he'll go away and lick his balls a bit. I think we should do it again to make sure he's down for the count and knows who is boss. What do you say? Hunt him down after we kill Roussou Friday night?"

Mason stopped and glared at him. He looked ready to bark something, but changed his mind and pointed to the door. "Ethan, leave."

He jerked his head up. "What?"

"Leave. Five minutes." Mason gestured to the door again.

Logan tossed his car keys at him. "Go get some sandwiches, I'm hungry."

"Are you kidding me?"

I lifted a hand. "Can you get me a latte?"

Tijan's Books