Fallen Crest High(122)

After a few blocks, Mason wheeled into a fast food drive-through. "You want anything?"

I shook my head. I couldn't believe this was happening. He ordered me a coffee anyway.

He handed it over. "So are you going to stay with him now? That's what you wanted, right?"

I shot him a look and sipped my coffee. I hissed when I felt how scalding it was. "Yeah, but there's…" I glanced at him warily. "That's not in the cards."

He grinned from the side of his mouth and eased his Escalade into my school's parking lot. "You snuck out of bed this morning. I was hoping for a morning ride."

I grinned as memories from last night sent a surge of heat through my body.

Need started to throb between my legs again and I clamped them together. I couldn't go to school hot and bothered, and aching all over…again. Last night had passed from one sensual moment to another. Mason had taken me on an insatiable journey and every time I thought I was done, he slid back in and started it all over again.

We'd slept for two hours, tops.

As he parked front and center, I spotted Adam at his car. He was with Mark Decraw and Peter Glasburg. Everything sexual left me and I tightened my hold on my coffee. "Yeah, well, we'll have to do it another time."

He nodded in their direction. "You want me to stay for awhile?"

"No." I did. "You have to get to your own school."

"Alright. I can't run you home after school."

"Why not?"

He grimaced as he stretched back in his seat. "I'll have enough time to come get you and head back for my practice. Can you hang out there for awhile? I think Logan would love it. He can show off his throwing arm for you."

"Sure. See you." As I reached for the door, the first warning bell went off and everyone started to head inside. Our eyes met and held as I walked around the front to the door. As I neared it, I expected to hear him zoom off. It never happened and I turned around.

A blast of cold air hit me. It drenched me.

Mason was out of his car and he was face to face with Adam. Peter and Mark were behind him. All three of them had fierce expressions on their faces and firm jaws, but Mason looked relaxed as he eyed each of them up and down.

My stomach dropped. This was not good.

"Hey, hey, hey!" I ran back and shoved between them. Not good. Not good.

That kept going through my head.

"Where's your little bitch boy now?" Adam tried to reach around me.

Mason smirked. He looked calm. The other three were shifting on their feet, but he never moved, not an inch. He drawled out, "Bitch boy? That was a bitch move. You waited until a girl stepped between us?"

Adam flushed, but snarled. "One swing, Kade. One swing. Isn't that what they say about you?" His lip curled up. "It only takes one punch for Mason Kade."


"Usually." He shrugged and as he lifted a hand to scratch his chin, all three jerked in reaction. Mason's smirk grew wider at that.

"I mean it!" I turned around and around.

"Is that right?" Adam tried to push at him again. Mark and Peter both grabbed him as they got in front.

I surged forward and tried to help, but I was bumped backwards. I skidded from the movement, but Mason caught me. He slid an arm around my waist and lifted me to the side. "Trying to hurt a girl?"

Adam growled and lunged again. "Let me go. I can take him."

"Come on, man. Think about this."

"Adam, please. Don't do this." I started forward again. Mason caught me and held me in place. His hand stayed on my hip. "Just stop, Adam. This won't do anything."

Tijan's Books