Fallen Crest High(118)

Logan laughed. "Wait your turn, Mase. My fun first."

Mason shot him a dry look, but Logan ignored it. His grin grew wider and he beamed at Adam. "Come on, tell me more. I'd love to hear what else you hate about me." He tsked him with a finger in the air. "Just me, though. You hear that? We'll move onto my big brother in the next session."

Rage leapt to Adam's eyes. I stepped back from instinct. I'd never seen so much rage within him before. My heart started to pound. It grew in speed as Adam bent his head. His mouth had curved in a hateful scowl.

"You laugh at me? Are you kidding me right now? Do you know who you're messing with?"

Logan's laugh sounded genuine. "Do you think I care? You're the guy who gets the leftovers. That's what I know about you."

Adam grew silent. My heart was pounding so loudly. It was deafening to my ears.

"I had Ashley before you, and during you." Logan's smirk grew. "I had Tanya before you and again before you. Who else is there?" He made a show as he turned around. He tapped his finger to his chin and he paused when his gaze rested on me. "Who else is there?"

"Logan." It was a quiet warning from Mason.

Logan twisted back around; the delight on his face was unsettling. "There's got to be others. Tina Schnieder? She told me you wanted to date her too, but no one knows about that one. She's goes to public. She's beneath you, right? Isn't that you thought about Tanya? You thought for sure you had her in the bag, she goes to public. All those girls are beneath you, isn't that what you think?"

Adam's face was set in stone. The hand that clenched his glass was white around the knuckles. A quiet crack was heard. The group had grown silent and everyone heard it. Another crack sounded.

Logan's voice was so quiet now, going in for the kill. He bent his head forward and his eyes were narrowed. "What about your friend Casssandra there?"

She whipped her head around. Fear was evident as she started to shake.

"What are you talking about…" She stammered out, "I..id…Idnever…" She bent forward and took some shuddering breaths. Miranda scurried away from her with a look of terror on her own face. Peter held her hand in his now and he lifted it to his chest.

Adam was white around the corner of his mouth. He turned his head slowly, so slowly. My heart pounded in my ears. My hands started to tremble and I knew my knees were quaking against each other.

He asked in a soft voice, "Is it true?"

Cassandra's mouth hung open. Her eyes bulged out as she looked from Logan's confident smirk to Adam's tightly controlled face. "I…I…"

"Is it true?" Adam asked again.

The tenderness in his voice sent chills down my back. I hugged myself and tried to ward off the promise of violence in the air.

"I can't believe you." He seemed so calm, but his eyes were too dark. "You know how much I hate them."

Logan and Mason glanced at each other and both wore a small grin.

Cassandra's voice was hoarse. "I didn't—it was stupid of me, but… Oh gawd.

I'm so sorry, Adam."

Emily started laughing by the bar. She saluted her martini glass in the air.

"Way to go, Cassie. Way to start the New Year by being honest."

Cassandra hissed at her, "Shut up, Emily. Like you haven't done the same thing. Logan's probably slept with all of us, Miranda included."

Miranda's eyes got wide and Peter jolted away from her like he'd been burned.

Tijan's Books