Fallen Crest High(113)

Only I knew that you weren't going to go." She paused for a beat. "Are you going to go now?"


I was about to say that I wasn't sure, but Mason threw open my door. "Logan's going crazy on your mom." And he was gone in a flash.

I said in a rush, "I have to go."

"What? What's going on—"

I pressed the disconnect button and threw it on the bed as I hurried down to the kitchen.

"Are you kidding me?!" Logan cursed as he stood in the foyer. His chest was rising up and down at a rapid pace and his hands were balled into fists, pressed tight against his legs. His eyes were wild in anger and his jaw kept clenching and unclenching.

Analise looked annoyed dressed in a white lace dress. She still held onto her white clutch. A string of white pearls were nestled between in her cleavage.

James stood between them, dressed in a black formal suit. Whatever Bangor was, it must've been for the formal and expensive.

I snorted to myself. Of course it would've been.

Mason stopped in the doorframe and held onto the post above his head. He was quiet and my mother glanced back at him every now and then.

Logan spat out, "Are you seriously trying to tell me what I can't do?" His eyes were narrowed at an alarming level.

My mom patted her chest in a dainty fashion. "I am voicing my opinion. It's eight at night. I don't think it's appropriate for you to go out this late. You should be studying, staying in."

Logan snorted out a laugh as he shook his head. His hands were still in fists.

He opened them and closed them back up. He kept doing it. "I can't believe you. Who the hell are you, woman?"

Analise glanced back at Mason and then she saw me behind him. Her shoulders lifted a bit and she stood a tiny bit straighter on her feet. "Since everyone is here, I'd like to make an announcement."

"Not another one," Logan muttered under his breath, still glaring at my mother.

She cleared her throat and took James' hand in hers. "I have gone room to room and emptied out all of the liquor that was in this household."

Mason didn't react, but a nerve in his shoulder jumped. Other than that, not a muscle moved. Logan shook his head and cursed some more. Both of his hands rose in the air like he wanted to put them around her neck. "Dad, control your whore."

James was in his face in the next second. "You will watch your mouth, son."

Logan's mouth clamped shut, but he heaved a deep breath and continued to shake his head. "I can't believe you. You're going to let her tell us what we can drink or not drink?"

His father's voice was quiet. "All three children in this home are underage. And since all three of you claimed Analise was in a drunken fit the other night, both of us deemed it a responsible choice to be rid of all alcohol."

Logan's smile was dangerous. "You think we're the problem?"

His father stepped back once. "No, I don't. I saw her that evening as well. She had been drinking too much." He glanced at me. "She was under a lot of emotional anxiety that night, but this is an answer that can help multiple levels for a problem I'm sure that's yet to be unearthed."

Mason bit out a laugh. His hands clenched around the post above and his muscles grew tighter at the movement.

Everyone looked at him and quieted.

"She doesn't want you to go out?" he spoke to Logan.

He gave a short nod. "She thinks I'm being irresponsible."

Mason turned his gaze towards his father, but spoke to Analise, "You might be her mother." He gestured towards me, over his shoulder. "But you're not ours.

Tijan's Books