Collide (Collide #1)(22)

Her gaze narrowed on him. "No, Gavin. If that's what I was looking for, then I would've just f*cked you," she huskily replied, trailing her finger across his chest. "Want to take me home tonight? I could add another notch in your bedpost."

"Not a chance and you know it," he quickly noted, grabbing her by the wrist. "The two of you have been over for a while. Now stop the bullshit."

"What a joke! We never stopped!" she snapped. "I was just f*cking around with him upstairs."

Dipping his head, Gavin forced her to stare into his eyes. "Upstairs, huh?"

"Yeah, maybe I should tell the goody two-shoes he's here with," she replied, trying to push her way past him.

"Don't even think about it, Monica," he growled. "So help me if I find out you get within five feet of her."

Widening her eyes, her voice rose as a curious grin stretched across her mouth. "What? Do you have a thing for her?" She paused for a moment and continued when he didn't answer. "You do, don't you? Some friend you are, Gavin Blake," she laughed, tossing her hands through her hair again. "All of you guys - every one of you in your rich little group - are a bunch of f*cked-up *s! I'm just sorry our parents are friends!"

Gritting his teeth, Gavin stared down to her for a second. He then signaled for the bouncer. "Here's a hundred bucks. Call her a cab and get her out of here now."

"No problem, Mr. Blake." He reached for the money and Monica. She struggled against the beefy man, causing a further spectacle as she called Gavin every name in the book.

Finally, she was put into a New York City cab and sent on her way.

Letting out a weighted breath, Gavin turned and headed into the club. He would have to do some damage control in the morning, considering Monica Lemay was indeed the daughter of one of his father's closest friends. Making his way back to the bar, Gavin wondered how true her statement was. He didn't put it past Dillon. Dillon was known for it, God knew he was. On the other hand, he didn't dismiss Monica lying to try and make her way back to Dillon. This wouldn't be the first time she made a desperate move to get back together with him.

Dillon spotted Gavin as he approached. Turning to Emily, he let her know he'd be right back. He stalked over to Gavin, tossing his arm around his neck. "Everything taken care of?"

Crossing his arms, Gavin took a step back. "Yeah, she's gone. What the f*ck are you doing? Are you still messing around with her?"

Dillon shrugged nonchalantly. "I was, but I'm done with her now. She kept calling and harassing me. You know how she gets."

Dillon went to walk away, but Gavin grabbed his arm. "Man, seriously, you have a pretty cool woman now. What the f*ck is wrong with you?"

Laughing, Dillon pulled his arm away. "There you go again concerned about what I'm doing. You just worry about yourself. I told you that I'm done with the whore." He tossed his shot down his throat. "Come on, I don't want to waste anymore of my night on her." He started to walk away and then turned back. "Oh, I told Emily you used to f*ck around with her."

Before Gavin could say a word, Dillon walked back over to Emily, a smile twisting on his lips as he kissed her. Gavin watched as his friend played the smooth Jekyll-and-Hyde he'd come to know over the years. Gavin couldn't help but notice the way Emily stared at him as he lounged back into his seat.

"You really do know how to pick them, Gavin," Emily laughed, tilting her beer to her mouth. "The library - don't forget the library."

Gail McHugh's Books