Collide (Collide #1)(26)

"Yes, you pretty much hit the nail on the head," Emily laughed. "But I'm more than sure you want to hear the details of our prior meetings."

Olivia quickly slid her phone shut. "Prior?" She crossed the room in two strides and lounged into a seat. "You have my attention. Spill it!"

Leaning her elbows on the table, Emily tented her fingers under her chin. "Let me see...oh, yes...he's the man I had the encounter with at the Chrysler Building while delivering the food that one day."

Olivia's brown eyes widened, but she remained silent, unwavering shock oozing from her face.

Emily dropped her tone huskily. "Yes, and he's the little stalker who came to my job, leaving me his name and number - oh, and a pretty decent tip, too."

"Shut the front door, woman! Mr. Tall, Dark, and Fuckable Handsome is Gavin?" Olivia squealed.

Emily nodded and laughed.

"Are you messing with me, Em? Cause if so, that's seriously f*cked up."

Leaning back in her chair, Emily crossed her arms, a smirk tipping her lips. "I swear."

"You should just go out with him," Olivia shrugged. "Obviously, he's made an impression on you, and you've made one on him."

Her words, so seemingly casual, threw Emily off. "What do you mean?"

"You have this dopey, dreamy look on your face. I know you're imagining jumping his bones."

"You're joking, right?"

Olivia rose to her feet and made her way to her bedroom. "Are you asking if I'm joking about the dopey look on your face, going out with him, or jumping his bones?"

"Olivia, you know what I'm talking about."

"You're acting surprised that I would say any of those things, Em."

Shocked, Emily swiftly followed behind her. She leaned against Olivia's door and placed her hands on her hips. "Are you really serious about what you just said?"

Olivia peeled off her clothes, strolled to the bathroom, and stepped into the shower. "It's no secret how I feel about Douchebag."

"Ah, that's right. Because how you feel about my boyfriend is what matters here," Emily interposed sardonically as she walked into the bathroom.

"Why not give Gavin a try?" Olivia asked coolly.

Emily ticked the reasons off on her fingers. "One, I love Dillon. Two, I love Dillon. And three, guess what? I love Dillon."

Olivia mocked Tina Turner in her finest sultry singing voice. "What's love got to do with it?" She laughed.

"You've completely lost it, Liv. And, even if I weren't with Dillon, you've killed the ever-wanting-to-entertain-Gavin-Blake opinion from my mind."

Olivia poked her head out from behind the shower curtain. "How did I kill your opinion of him?"

"Let me see...he's a ladies' man is the first thing that enters my memory." Drawing in a deep breath, Emily paused in thought. "Oh, and you don't think he's capable of staying with any woman longer than a week is another. Shall I go on?"

Olivia shut the water off and stepped out of the shower. Emily handed her a towel. "Right, that was after his fiancee, Gina, broke up with him when he started acting like that. Before the infamous split, he was a total package." Olivia wrapped the towel around her body.

"He was engaged?"

"Yeppers," Olivia piped back, sliding into a pair of black shorts and a white tank top. "They dated for almost five years, then one day he came home, and she was gone. Packed her shit and moved out of his apartment while he was at work."

Gail McHugh's Books