Collide (Collide #1)(27)

Confusion creased Emily's brows. "Why?"

"To tell you the truth, he never told my brother exactly what happened. And when I've asked him about it, he doesn't want to discuss it, so I have no idea," she replied, pulling her makeup bag out of the drawer. "But you saw him. That man's been blessed by the proverbial f*cking-hot-as-sin gene. He's worth millions and - really, I'm not kidding - he's a decent guy."

"So why have you never dated him then?"

"Oh, Lord, I've known him way too long. Let's just say it would be like me banging my brother." Olivia crinkled her nose in distaste. "Even though I have the utmost respect for the glorious gene pool that fine piece of f*ckable ass has been bathed in, I sort of look at him like an older brother. It'd be way too weird."

"How long has he been friends with Trevor?"

"You sure have a ton of questions for a girl who's not considering playing naughty," Olivia quipped.

Emily dismissively waved her hand as she turned to the mirror to study her reflection. "I'm trying to get in the loop here. Dillon tells me nothing about his friends or coworkers."

"Well, if the answer you're really seeking is if Dillon and Gavin have been friends as long as my brother and Gavin have been, the answer is no."

"Oh, for some reason, I thought they all went to high school together."

Olivia reached under the sink for the dryer, plugged it in, and turned it on high. Her voice rose as she dried her golden hair. "No, Trevor and Gavin went to high school together. They've known each other longer. Trevor works under Dillon at the firm; this you know."

Emily nodded.

"When my brother started working at Morgan and Buckingham, Dillon was already a stockbroker there. That's how my brother met your totally awesome dickhead boyfriend," Olivia laughed and Emily rolled her eyes. "When Trevor was prepping to take his Series 7 Exam to become a broker, Dillon asked him if he knew anyone that had a decent bank account. Trying to impress a higher-up, my brother introduced Dillon to Gavin, and the rest is history. They've been friends for the last three years."

"Very cool." Or not, Emily thought to herself.

"And, supposedly, Blake Industries is the largest account Dillon handles."

Emily shrugged. "So? Big deal."

" could thank Gavin for the money your boyfriend has."

Emily thought about the countless nights Dillon spent at the office, landing different clients in order to earn a living. Even though Gavin played some part in Dillon's newly acquired wealth, she knew her boyfriend worked above and beyond Blake Industries to make that money.

She simply bowed her appreciations. "Well, thank you for that very educational background of the three men's histories together. You're too kind."

The two women laughed.

Emily went to walk out of the bathroom, but Olivia spoke up one last time. "Want to know something really funny, chick?"

Emily stopped in the threshold and waited for her to go on.

"It was Gavin who was supposed to come out and visit that one weekend with my brother when we were in school - not Dillon. Crazy to think that right now you probably would've been dating him instead."

A faint smile tugged at Emily's mouth as she stared into her friend's eyes. The ringing of Emily's phone broke through the few seconds of silence. She moved to the kitchen to retrieve the call. It was Dillon, announcing he was waiting for her downstairs.

Grabbing her purse, Emily strode to the door as Olivia blew her a kiss goodbye.

Gail McHugh's Books