Collide (Collide #1)(21)

Dillon shook his head and eyed Gavin. "Once a wiseass, always a wiseass, Blake. Never fails."

Gavin hung his head and laughed. He took a long pull from his beer, swung his eyes over to Emily, and then reluctantly looked at Dillon. "So how's about it? Are you two coming to the party?"

"I totally forgot about it," Dillon replied. "But, of course, we'll be there."

Trevor cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean you forgot? Dude, you've been coming for the last couple of years."

Dillon pulled Emily close to him, anchoring her body in front of his. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "I've been distracted by my lady here. I can't seem to think of anything else."

Emily smiled and noticed a beautifully groomed blonde approach Gavin. She snaked her arm around his waist and planted a kiss on the corner of his mouth. "I thought it was you, Mr. Blake," she said, ordering a drink and letting the bartender know to put it on his tab. "Where have you been hiding lately?" Her words slurred as she clung tighter to Gavin, trying to keep her balance.

"Obviously not far enough," Trevor mumbled under his breath. The woman didn't hear his remark, but didn't need to. His expression told all.

Dillon's eyes narrowed on the blonde.

Gavin knew who she was and tried to play it cool. His smile was relaxed as he curled his arm around her waist, trying to hold her steady. "I've been away on business. How've you been?"

"Oh, I've been doing great. Thanks for asking," she replied, shifting her weight closer to Gavin. "Who do we have here?" she asked, glancing in Emily's direction. "I don't think we've met before. You're so cute. Are you one of Gavin's newest playmates?"

Emily's mouth dropped open, but she said nothing, not wanting to severely insult the woman. She thought the comment was ridiculous, considering Dillon had his arms around her.

Gavin smirked, gazing in Emily's direction. "No, she's Dillon's girlfriend. I'm trying my hardest to make a play for a girl named Molly, but unfortunately, she's already taken."

Emily nervously bit her lip and looked away.

The pleasant expression left the woman's face as she shot Dillon a hard look. "Oh, really? I didn't know you were seeing anyone, Dillon."

Gavin stood up and effectively caught the blonde by her arm. "Come on, sweets. We have a lot to catch up on. Take a walk with me." He started leading her out of the club, and Emily watched the way the woman stared back at her while she tried to release herself from Gavin's hold.

"Who the heck was that?" Emily asked, turning to face Dillon.

"No one," he replied, giving Emily a wide-eyed smile. He dragged a hand through his hair. "Just some girl he went to college with."

"One of his ex-girlfriends?" Emily probed.

Trevor looked to Dillon but didn't say a word.

"Yeah, just some girl he used to screw around with," Dillon replied after ordering a few shots. "Come on, let's get hammered, babe."

Gavin made his way through the crowd of sweaty bodies. Walking the woman out of the club, he cornered her against a wall, propping his hand against it. Looking down to her, his expression tightened. "What are you doing, Monica?"

Lifting her chin in defiance, her hazel eyes glassed over. "What do you mean, Gavin?" She pushed her hands through her hair. "He thinks he can just f*ck me like that and then go off and start f*cking someone else so quickly?"

Letting out a sigh, a muscle tensed in his jaw. "You and Dillon were exactly that and nothing more. Fuck buddies, Monica. Get over it."

Gail McHugh's Books