Collide (Collide #1)(19)

He took a long pull from his beer, trying to ease the dryness in his mouth. "So, Molly, are you enjoying New York?"

Knowing that one was coming, Emily let out a laugh. "Yes, I am actually, stalker boy. Thanks for asking."

"I'm really not a stalker or a player, honestly," he said, chuckling at the nickname she gave him.

"The stalker part may be questionable," she laughed and so did Gavin. "But, I have to be honest, I've heard otherwise about you being a player."

Emily bit her lip, realizing how horribly offensive those last words must've sounded. Even so, now knowing who he was, it was the truth. Olivia told her stories of Dillon's rich friend, Gavin, being a ladies' man. She also warned Emily that once she met him, it would take everything in her not to rip off her shirt and watch the buttons scatter on the floor, along with every sexual inhibition following behind them.

Yep, completely f*ckable.

Shifting in his seat, Gavin flashed a smile. "And who did you hear that from?"

"Olivia Martin."

"Mmm, you must not know her that well then," he replied, motioning for the bartender to bring them another round.

"Let's see. She was my roommate in college, and I live with her now." She smiled. "I consider her a pretty reliable source, but hey, to each his own."

"Forgive me and my horrible memory. That's right; that's right. You're Emily and not Molly," he laughed, tossing a hand through his hair. "Of course you know Olivia."

She smiled. "Yes, my real name is Emily. We've established that, but how come I have a feeling you might never let me live that one down?"

A delicious grin slid across his lips. "Ah-ha, I may or may not. But that's for me to know, and you to find out." They both laughed, seeming to relax a bit around one another. "So what else did Olivia say about me?"

"Ah-ha, that's for me to know, and you to find out."

Amused by her quick-witted response, Gavin hung his head and laughed. His features softened as he stared into her eyes. "But, in my defense, the whole player thing's a misconception. I just haven't found the right woman yet."

"Well, there seems to be an awful lot of ladies trying to get your attention right now." With the sweep of her hand, Emily gestured toward a group of women at the end of the bar that were noticeably glancing in his direction. "Pretty decent pick if you ask me."

Although he tried, he couldn't pull his eyes away from her. He stared at Emily, wanting to let her know - again - the only woman he wanted was already with his friend. "Unfortunately, most of them are only interested in one thing."

Confusion knitted her brows. "Isn't that what all guys want anyway?"

"Not quite, but I like the way you think," he laughed, studying the way she nervously tucked her hair behind her ear. He liked it more than he should. "No, seriously though, I don't want to come off like a conceited ass, but there's a fine line between me and my money."

His remark struck an odd cord with Emily. She knew he had money - the whole damn city did. However, to assume women were strictly after him for his cash was obviously some sort of insecurity he had.

"Oh, so in your eyes, every woman you date's a gold digger?" she remarked, drawing the bottle to her mouth as she leaned casually into her seat.

Gavin tried hard to fixate his eyes on hers instead of her lips. "No, it's not that at all. That came out the wrong way; I apologize." He placed his empty drink on the bar. "It's just hard to tell who's real and who's not. I want a woman who wants me with or without my money." He flashed a sheepish grin. "And, for some reason, I seem to attract the all-beauty-and-no-brains type, too."

Gail McHugh's Books