Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(168)


Sean’s flight lands at noon on Sunday May the 14th and I go with Milo to the airport to collect him, I’m so excited that I wait out on the tarmac as the plane lands and I’m bouncing on my toes as I wait for the doors to open, he doesn’t know I’m coming and I can’t wait to see his face. It’s a warm sunny day and Len blinks a few times as he steps out of the doors, he looks at me and frowns but I hold my finger to my lips telling him to shush, he nods and carries on walking down the steps of the plane. I hide behind Milo in case any of the other boys say anything and spoil the surprise, I just want Sean to know how much I love him, he loves small gestures and I know he’s hated leaving me. He’s been so unbelievably attentive since we lost Baby M, as we now call our ‘not meant to be’ baby; he’s looked after me so well and I just hope that as soon as we get home, I’m going to be able to give him some good news.

He appears at the top of the steps and my heart skips a beat and then trebles its speed, I wonder if it will always do that around him? I step out from behind Milo and he sees me instantly, I start to move toward him and almost stumble as his face lights up, he runs down the aircraft stairs, not caring who he pushes out of the way, namely Marley, who’s seen me and thinks he’s funny by deliberately getting in Sean’s way. In the end, he jumps over the side of the airplane steps and runs toward me. He slows down as he gets near me and swings me around.

He has the biggest smile as he says, “I’ve missed ya Georgia Rae, show us your tits.”

I pull up my t-shirt and flash him my red lace bra. “Fuck babe, I’ve missed ya, let’s get a room somewhere.” I laugh and shake my head.

“No, I wanna get home.”

He reaches for my hand and starts pulling me toward the car. “Well let’s go then.”

We chat about his trip as Milo drives us home and because it’s Sunday and the traffic is light we are home within the hour and head straight for our bedroom as soon we are through the front door. I have a pregnancy test stick waiting and ready to be used, in fact I have two and Sean looks totally confused as I pull him into the bathroom. “Georgia… Nooo, f*ck first, shower later, I need to be inside you,” he whines.

“Sit down.” I gesture to the edge of the bath, I’m busting for a wee and need to do this soon before I wet myself. I hold the plastic stick in front of his face and his eyes widen, he doesn’t say a word while I wee on it, wipe and wash my hands, then sit on the edge of the bath next to him as we wait and stare at the little piece of plastic that might possibly be about to change our lives.

Two lines appear.


Sean looks from the stick to me and back to the stick again.

“G,” he whispers.

“I knew, I mean, I didn’t know, I guessed before you went away but I didn’t want to worry you.”

“Pregnant, you’re really pregnant?”

“Yes, I’m really pregnant.”

“We need to see a doctor.”

“We are and I’ve made an appointment for tomorrow at eleven.”

“Who with?” I look at him and chuckle.

“Does it matter, if I was to tell you his name, would it make any difference?”

“Yes, I only want you to see Richard Curtis.” What. The. Fuck?

“How do you know who Richard Curtis is?” He looks exactly like the thirteen year old boy I fell in love with when he smiles at me.

“Because I did some research and he’s the best around and I want you and the baby to see the best.” I’m actually amazed, Richard Curtis is exactly who I have an appointment to see tomorrow.

Lesley Jones's Books