Primal Law (Alpha Pack #1)(72)

As the others started after him, Jax took her arm in a gentle grip. "I don't want you in there."

"Any more than I want to go, but I'm not staying here by myself. So forget it."

Reluctantly he let her go. "All right, just stick close."

She snorted. "Like that'll be a problem."

She was practically glued to his back as they climbed through the hole and surveyed the gloomy prison.

"Oh my God," she whispered. "Jax . . ."

"Jesus Christ." He tried to block her view with his body. "Baby, don't look."

Too late. Stepping around him, she stared in horror, her brain struggling to comprehend such depraved cruelty. The stench took her breath away, a close second only to the awful sight before them.

One corner of a large chamber was taken up by what could have been nothing else but a place to torture the captives. A vinyl dentist chair was coated in dark stains and surrounded by tables of instruments-pliers, rope, saws, knives, drain cleaner, funnels, and other tools. More than she could name.

The rest of the room was filled with cages. Literally stacked with them, no more than three feet square, not nearly large enough for a full-grown human or shifter to stand, sit, or lie down in comfortably. And in those cages, the victims.

Emaciated, skin pulled taut over bones. Naked, curled into fetal positions, wasting away in their own filth, eyes devoid of hope. Eyes sunken and staring, some empty of life.

Kira's gorge rose and she spun, found the nearest corner, and dropped to her knees. She promptly lost her dinner and was vaguely aware of a large hand rubbing circles on her back. Jax, comforting her. Always there, strong and silent.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," she said weakly. Using the edge of her shirt, she wiped her mouth and stood, too queasy to be embarrassed. "Or I will be, when we get the survivors home."

Something flashed in his eyes, and he nodded. "Let's see what we can do to speed things along."

There wasn't much to do but hover anxiously as Nick and Aric extracted one captive, Zan and Ryon the other. Both were males.

"They're shifters," Ryon said, studying the unconscious male in his arms. "Not sure what kind, but I don't scent a wolf."

"Me neither." Zan sniffed, and then froze. Slowly, he walked to a cage next to the one he and Ryon had pulled their victim from. Leaning close to the bars, he scented the area and shook his head. "It can't be."

Jax stalked over. "What?"

"Micah," Zan whispered. "I smell him. In that empty cage. My God, is it possible?"

The others exchanged stunned glances.

"Z-Man, Micah's dead," Jax said quietly.

"Are we sure? How do we know?" His friend's voice took on a note of desperation.

"I saw them myself. They were dead, Zan."

"How do we know?" he practically shouted. "Grant sent in a clean-up crew to take care of the bodies. We were injured, out of commission, and we never saw them afterward, dead and on a slab! And now I'm telling you, I caught Micah's scent in there."

"Which would mean our high-up government friends-the ass**les who're supposed to be on our side-lied to us," Aric put in, voice cold. "Ain't like that's never happened before."

The words fell between them like stones, and Kira watched helplessly as they realized what they'd uncovered tonight was a mere thread that would unravel a much bigger scheme than they'd dreamed in their worst nightmares.

Jax's jaw worked in impotent rage. "Then what really happened that night? How did Micah end up here, and where the f**k is he now?"

"And if he's alive, or was . . ." Ryon trailed off, looking shell-shocked.

Nick finished. "Then where are the others? I don't have all the answers, but we're going to get them." A groan from one of the freed shifters brought them back to reality. "Unfortunately we won't get them tonight. We have to go."

As they made their way out and up the staircase once more, an unpleasant niggle teased Kira's mind. But fear, the urge to escape from this hellhole intact overrode the niggle before it could form into a thought. She'd have to examine it later.

They made it back to the HIGH VOLTAGE room above without incident. Luck had been with them so far, but it ran out just as they entered the bright corridor and approached the lab they'd looted earlier. Another security guard and three armed men in suits burst from the lab, apparently having discovered the intrusion. They froze, momentarily thrown by A.J.'s presence in the lead.

"Stone? What the f**k are you doing?" the other guard barked.

"What does it look like? Giving my friends a tour of the building," he sneered in return.

"They got the prisoners!" one of the suits, a fat man with a ring of hair encircling his balding pate, shouted. "Kill 'em!"

The security guard who'd spoken looked thoroughly confused, and clearly had no clue what the hell was going on. The suits did, though, and brought their guns up.

Jax shoved Kira behind him and down to the floor as shots rang out, deafening in the confined space. Aric and Ryon dropped into a crouch, shielding their charges with their bodies. Dropping to one knee, A.J. returned fire, putting a bullet in the center of one goon's forehead while Jax, Zan, and Nick shifted in midrun, going for the other two.

J.D. Tyler's Books