Primal Law (Alpha Pack #1)(75)

"We all will," Aric declared, dropping into a seat. Obviously he and the others had handed off the two survivors they'd liberated from the NewLife building, but she hadn't been paying attention.

After a moment, she calmed herself enough to ask, "Are the two shifters okay?"

"They'll make it, physically. The rest, we'll see, but I think they'll pull through."

She nodded. "That's good."

The respite was brief and took her mind off Jax for only about three seconds. The team crowded into the waiting area, none of them willing to leave without word. Zan and Kalen walked back in from the OR, faces weary. A barrage of questions from the guys was met with little info, none of it encouraging.

"He wasn't breathing," Zan choked, dropping into a chair, head in his hands. "That's all I know."

"Jesus," Hammer mumbled in shock.

Aric responded by putting a hole in the wall with his fist and letting go a stream of profanity. The others just moped. Someone went for coffee.

Time passed. Kira wasn't sure how long it had been when Sariel strode into the room, heading straight for her. Jumping up, she launched herself into his arms. He caught her against his chest and enfolded her in his wings, and the dam broke. She sobbed in terror, babbling that she couldn't lose him.

"You won't, dearest." He placed a kiss on the top of her head. "I swear to you."

"H-how do you know?"

"I just do. Now dry those tears, or else your wolf is going to be treated to the lovely vision of a puffy, blotchy mate when he wakes up."

Pulling back, she managed a small laugh. "Gee, thanks."

"You're welcome. What are displaced princes for?"

It was a lame attempt at a joke, and she loved him for it. Wrung out, she let him tug her over to a chair. At Zan's urging, he fetched a box of tissues from the front desk-he was puzzled about their purpose at first-handed them over, and settled in beside her for what might prove to be a long wait.

It was worse than long. Interminable was a better word. Half the team was dozing when both Mac and Melina pushed through the double doors into the waiting area, but everyone immediately snapped to attention.

Dr. Mallory got to the point. "The two shifters are stable but still unconscious. Jax is also stable at the moment, and the bullet has been removed. But his condition is critical." She gave Kira a pointed look. "I'll need you to come with us."

"Of course." She rose on rubbery legs and followed the doctors. Whether either of them was ready or not, she had a suspicion that the moment of reckoning was at hand.

A sexy silvery-eyed wolf was about to become hers.

Chapter Fourteen

"Jax, open your eyes."

Don't want to. He preferred to keep sleeping, safe in his cozy cocoon. Besides, hers was the wrong voice. Not the one he loved.

Wait, loved? Ah, shit.

"Sweetheart, can you hear me? Come on, handsome. Let's see those peepers."

Kira. For her, he tried. His lids were like wet concrete, but he managed to crack them open a tiny bit. Her small form was leaning over him, blurry. But there. Holding his hand, stroking his brow. So good.

"I . . . can't smell you," he rasped.

Her touch stilled. "What?"

"He means his sense of smell is gone," Melina said. "He can't scent you."

"Oh. What do we do? How do we fix it?" She was so upset, his baby.

He couldn't comfort her. Couldn't move a damned muscle.

"This is undocumented territory, but I'd like to try something. Are you willing to let me make a small incision in your wrist? I can give you a local anesthetic." Obviously she was talking to Kira.

Wait a minute. Melina wanted to cut his angel? Why? Jax tried to growl but only a pathetic whine came out. His eyes closed again.

"Yes! Anything that will make him well."

No! his mind shouted. But his lips wouldn't budge.

Noises ensued, the clank of metal on a tray. Melina spoke to his mate, but he couldn't make out the words. He was tired and he hadn't even been awake that long. His energy was nonexistent.

Suddenly a slick finger parted his lips, began to rub his tongue. He sputtered, tried to turn his head away from the latex-covered digit, but the doc held him fast, smearing something wet on his tongue. His gums and canines, too. What the hell?

Automatically he swallowed, and caught the sweet, earthy taste on his tongue. His initial impression was that it was nice, if kind of weird, and then . . . the effect hit his system like rain in the desert. Warmth flowed to cells and muscles, liquid sunshine. And he knew.

Melina had given him Kira's blood. Lifesaving, nourishing blood from his mate. Doing the job that no medicine could hope to perform in pulling him back from the brink. Slowly, he cracked his lids open again, glad to find his vision mostly clear.

"Hey," he croaked, giving Kira a lopsided smile.

"Oh, my God!" Scooting her chair close, she hugged him tight, laying her head on his chest, on his right side, opposite the bullet wound. "I was so worried. Everyone was. Is."

Carefully, he brought his arm around her, holding her snug against him. "I'm okay, baby. Don't cry."

"Sariel says I'm blotchy." She sniffed.

"Yeah? What does he know? You're always beautiful." He kissed her head, and would've growled if he had the energy. "I can smell him on you."

J.D. Tyler's Books