Primal Law (Alpha Pack #1)(69)


Wielding a pair of bolt cutters, Zan opened a hole in the fence wide enough to allow them to squeeze through. Leaving the pair of cutters on the ground near the fence, he came through last and pulled the snipped ends of the wires together so the gap wouldn't be so noticeable. They'd need this route when they left.

They crossed the parking lot without being spotted and entered the bay through the side door A.J. had told Kira to use. Nick went inside first, then motioned for the others to follow. The garage was a cavernous space, dimly lit by a couple of wall fixtures. One was situated next to a service elevator they'd take into the basement.

"Where is he?" Ryon whispered, glancing around, body tense. "I don't like this."

Kira's reply was barely audible. "He'll be here. He won't let us down."

Jax hoped like hell she was right. If they'd trusted the wrong person-or if the guy had been found out-they were all dead.

When a slim figure emerged from the shadows, it became apparent that neither was the case. The security guard stopped before their group, hand resting on the butt of his gun in a deceptively casual pose. He was taller than Jax, maybe six-four, sandy brown hair framing one of those good-looking, all-American faces people liked right off the bat. Pale blue eyes regarded them warily, but brightened when he saw Kira.

"Hey, girl, it's good to see you," he said, moving forward to envelop her in a big hug.

The low, ominous growl escaped Jax's throat before he could stop it. His canines lengthened and fingernails became claws as sharp as daggers.

The man released Kira and stepped back, gazing at Jax without a trace of fear. "Is there a problem?"

"Not as long as you keep your hands off her." He returned the newcomer's stare without flinching.

"Kira?" he asked, the question obvious.

She shot Jax a look before answering. "Please pardon Jax. His animal side gets a bit testy when other guys so much as breathe in my direction."

"Yeah, well. No harm done." He dismissed the incident.

Good thing, because Jax offered no explanation or apology. There wasn't time for the first, and his wolf said screw the second. Kira was his. Period.

Introductions were brief, Nick getting right to the point. They were in and out, and A.J. was coming with them. The man's lack of resistance made Jax think the guard and their boss had discussed this beforehand, and he suspected A.J. had been briefed on what the Alpha Project was all about.

In fact, there was something about the way he held himself, the ease of his movements, that told Jax this man was more than a run-of-the-mill security guard. A.J. kept an eye on the position of each man, and was also very aware of his surroundings, keeping his ears open. Oh, his scent was human, but Jax would bet his life savings the man had a military background, or was a former cop.

And if so, how had he wound up working here? It would be a definite career step down.

There wasn't time to speculate further, because A.J. took the lead, pointing to a corner. "See that camera? When it points toward the bay doors, we haul ass to the elevator. Get ready . . . Go!"

Kira right behind him, they jogged for the elevator. A.J. punched the down button and the doors slid open, and they hurried inside. Before the camera completed its circuit, they were on their way to the basement.

"How many other guards are on duty tonight?" Nick asked.

"Two, as far as the regular uniformed ones like me. But Kira's disappearance coupled with some items we heard were missing from the lab have the big guys really nervous. There are some suits hanging around, and they're armed."

The guard's choice of words caught Jax's attention. "You heard about some items reported missing? There wasn't an official notice or memo to the company's employees about the theft?"

A.J.'s smile didn't reach his eyes. "Of course not. Wouldn't that be like a serial killer publicly complaining that someone had swiped his victim from under his nose?"

No one found fault with that logic.

"That's one more nail in Chappell's coffin," Nick said as they exited the elevator. "Assuming he's the apex of the power structure."

"But you don't think so," Jax observed.

"No, I don't. That's too easy, and if I've learned anything in my existence it's that no move in the game of world domination is ever simple."

Too true. His boss's quiet words made him shudder, and wonder where all of these threads would lead. Even a powerful PreCog like Nick couldn't know everything. But if the white wolf could keep them one step ahead of death and destruction, it would be more than any of their former leaders-human or not-had been able to accomplish.

The group trekked down a long brightly lit corridor, everyone strung tight, waiting for discovery. The sound of a raised alarm. But the building was eerily silent as they went, footsteps shuffling on the concrete and echoing off the stark walls. Close to the end, Kira gestured to a closed door, no different in appearance from the others lining the passage.

"This is the lab where I got the samples," she told them, keeping her voice low. "I didn't get a chance to do a very thorough search, but the corresponding paperwork to whatever tests they're conducting should be here unless they've moved it."

"Let's give it a try," Nick said. "Even though they brought in extra muscle, I doubt they banked on the cavalry showing up so soon."

J.D. Tyler's Books