Primal Law (Alpha Pack #1)(68)

"Good idea. Taking care of the little guy will give Sariel something positive to do."

"It's settled, then. Now the question is what to do with him while we're all eating dinner."

"The cook would throw a fit if she saw a gremlin in the dining room." The idea made him grin mischievously. "We'll just have to promise to teach him not to beg at the table."

"If she spots him, you're on your own," she said with a wink. "I had nothing to do with your plan."



With a quiet laugh, he gathered the furball and stood, then offered her a hand up. "Come on, let's go see who we can rile."

"As long as it's not Chup, we're good."


As they walked inside hand in hand, Jax felt lighter than he had in months. He still believed the massacre was partly his fault, but it had been nice to trust her with the truth as he saw it.

Now he just had to fool her and his team long enough to make it through tonight. They absolutely could not find out that he was in so much pain that he could barely keep moving. The reason was simple.

He wanted Kira more than he wanted his next breath.

But he'd die before forcing her into a decision she wasn't ready to make.

Jaxon gripped the leather armrest as the van neared their destination. His throat burned and his skin was hot. Tight and dry. His muscles cramped, as though they were being slowly twisted and torn apart. But that wasn't the worst.

No, the worst was sitting near Kira, her sweet scent driving him mad, and not being able to touch her. Because if he did, he'd finally lose control. Throw her to the floor of the van and give everyone a lesson in mating they'd rather not witness. His c**k was hard enough to hit a home run and he was too damned miserable to be embarrassed about it, though he vaguely hoped his cammos were loose enough to hide the problem.

Hammer guided the van onto a dark side street a block over from the NewLife building, and Nick, sitting next to him in the front, gestured to a good spot to park both vehicles. Also riding in the van with them were Kalen and Mac, who'd been eyeing each other the entire first leg of the road trip. The SUV carrying Ryon, Aric, Zan, and Melina pulled up behind them.

Hopefully they wouldn't need the docs, but better to be prepared.

"Um, guys," Kira began, glancing between him and Nick. "This isn't going to be a popular opinion, but I need to go in with you."

"No f**king way," Jax snapped. "You're not getting within a hundred yards of that place. Are you forgetting how you barely escaped a few days ago?"

"I remember very well," she replied evenly. "But I'll have the team with me, not to mention A.J., and-"

"Your friend is putting himself at plenty of risk without adding you to the mix."

"But he doesn't know the labs like I do," she argued. "I think we need more samples, as well as photos of every document we can lay our hands on, and I'm the only one of us who knows exactly where to find them."

Hammer shut off the ignition and Jax seethed while they waited in silence for Nick's decision. Finally he nodded.

"Kira has a good point. We're going to need the items she mentioned, and I don't foresee any immediate danger in allowing her to help lead us through the building."

"I still don't like it."

In the end, she and Nick were right, so he could snarl all he wanted and it wouldn't make a difference. He chose to save his energy. He had a suspicion he'd need it.

The docs remained with the vehicles, but everyone else climbed out and got a few quick reminders from their leader.

"Remember, the goal here is to search, locate any possible evidence that NewLife is involved in experimentation on humans and shifters, and then get the hell out. A. J. Stone will be coming with us when we're done here. He has no other option-if he stays, he's a dead man."

A ripple of surprise went through the group, but Nick's men trusted his judgment. They were, however, visibly curious. But the questions would have to wait.

"Ready?" Everyone was. "Let's get this done and get home."

The street was dimly lit, and the adjoining alley almost completely dark, which helped hide their progress as they approached the edge of NewLife's property. The problem getting in and out would be crossing the vast parking lot, which was mostly empty this time of night. They'd be completely exposed both entering and leaving.

Targets for the ramped-up security Orson Chappell had no doubt ordered in the wake of Kira's theft and escape.

Nick ordered Kalen and Hammer to remain at the mouth of the alley and keep watch over the back of the building. Cover them if necessary. The rest of them would enter through the big bay area of the garage, where A.J. would be waiting.

If nothing had happened to him.

As they left the alley and made their way to the high chain-link fence topped with razor wire that surrounded the parking lot, Jax had to force himself to concentrate on the op. Not on the curve of Kira's delectable little rear hugged by her camouflage pants. The way she moved, lithe and graceful. How cute she looked with a black knit cap pulled down on her head to hide her shiny blond hair. Like some sort of tiny ninja assassin among a bunch of Neanderthals.

Breathe, Jaxon, old boy. Patience, and she'll be yours.

J.D. Tyler's Books