If You Were Mine (The Sullivans #5)(59)
Heather had reminded herself of this so many times in the past few days that it had become a mantra in her head. Only, it was so hard to keep her guard up when Zach was so playful, so easy to laugh with, so tempting to kiss. And on nights like last night when he’d been nothing short of her knight in shining armor...well, she simply couldn’t get her head—or heart—around the confusing swirl of emotions he inspired.
Hour by hour, she felt him creeping in further and further, past the thick, strong walls she’d built so many years before, and she was powerless to stop it.
Fortunately, before she could feel weird about walking into the middle of a Sullivan family celebration, Lori spotted her and ran over with open arms.
“Yay, I’m so glad you’re here!”
Heather hugged Zach’s younger sister and smiled at her. “Congratulations on your new niece.”
Lori was glowing with pride. “She’s gorgeous and obviously a Sullivan since she couldn’t wait to get to the hospital to make her big appearance. Good thing they had a fantastic midwife on call.”
A brother she hadn’t yet met shook her hand. “I’m Marcus.” His eyes were warm and she noticed he didn’t let go of Nicola’s hand. “It’s really nice to meet you.”
Nicola hugged her with her free arm. “How are the benefits going?” she whispered into her ear and Heather couldn’t help but laugh and say, “Good.”
Ryan, Sophie, and Jake came by to say hello again and she was both glad, and uncomfortable, when Zach moved beside her again, his hand warm on her lower back.
“Chase had to go take care of a diaper change,” Zach said, scrunching up his face in disgust, “and then we can see Chloe and the baby.”
“Even with these two in me,” Sophie said, looking down at her stomach, “I can’t believe Chase actually has a baby now.” She paused before adding, “And that she was born today.”
It didn’t take long for Heather to learn that their father had died on this very day.
Zach’s hand tightened on hers as Marcus said, “I can’t help but think he had a part in this, somehow.”
Each of the siblings seemed to pull together more tightly. All but Zach, who slipped his hand from hers and moved from the circle of Sullivans, his expression completely shuttered in a way she hadn’t seen it before.
Heather wanted to pull him into a quiet corner to ask him if everything was okay, and to let him know she was there for him the way he’d been there for her with her parents. Before she could, Ryan popped the cork on a bottle of champagne and a beautiful woman with gray hair walked into the room from the back of the house.
Heather quickly realized the photo she’d seen of Zach’s mother, while stunning, hadn’t come close to doing her justice.
She loved the way Zach so easily moved to hug his mother, with soft words said only for her ears, before turning to introduce them. “Mom, this is Heather. Heather, this is my mom, Mary.”
“Congratulations on your new grandchild, Mary,” Heather said as Zach’s mother regarded her through warm and intelligent blue eyes. Heather was mesmerized and more than a little stunned by the close relationship this woman had with all of her children.
“Thank you,” Mary said, looking both radiant and sad as she smiled. Was she also thinking about Zach’s father and the grandchild he would never meet? “I’m so glad you’re here to share this moment with us.”
A dozen words was all it took for Heather to feel perfectly welcome in what should have been a family-only event. One day, when Heather had kids of her own, she vowed to love them the same way this woman had obviously loved hers, enough to welcome their friends and lovers into the fold with open arms.
“I’m thrilled to be here.”
She took the glass of champagne Zach handed her and raised her arm in a toast as Sophie’s husband said “Slainte!” the Irish version of “Cheers.”
They were all drinking when Chase walked out, looking exhausted and rumpled...and beside himself with happiness. Zach grabbed her hand and pulled her through the crowd. Okay, so not only did she love the way he clearly cared about his mother and siblings, but the fact that he was in a rush to go meet his new niece?
Especially considering her opinion of him that first day they’d met. She couldn’t believe how wrong she’d been.
“Hi, Heather,” Chase said. “It’s great to see you again.”
Even though she’d barely met him for thirty seconds at Zach’s garage, she had to hug him. “I’m so happy for you and Chloe.”
“Thanks, we’re thrilled. Want to meet Emma?”
Zach was already halfway down the hall to their bedroom and she could hear Chloe laughing at something he said as he pushed open the bedroom door. A few seconds later Chase held the door for her, but Heather didn’t walk through it.
How could she, when she was utterly mesmerized by the sight of Zach holding baby Emma, staring down at her pretty little face in absolute wonder.
Heather’s heart—and her soul—were captured as she watched Zach slip one finger into the little fist and raise it to his lips.
He looked up at Heather, his eyes utterly intense and full of love. “You’ve got to come see her. She’s a freaking miracle.”
Bella Andre's Books
- Can't Take My Eyes Off of You (Summer Lake #2)
- Bella Andre
- Reckless In Love (The Maverick Billionaires #2)
- Now That I've Found You (New York Sullivans #1)
- All I Ever Need Is You (The Sullivans #14)
- I Love How You Love Me (The Sullivans #13)
- Just To Be With You (The Sullivans #12)
- It Must Be Your Love (The Sullivans #11)
- Kissing Under The Mistletoe (The Sullivans #10)
- The Way You Look Tonight (The Sullivans #9)