If You Were Mine (The Sullivans #5)(63)

Emotions crashed into her as his tongue slid over, then into her, until the combination of heart and body, mind and soul, had her release going on and on until she was begging Zach to stop with one breath, and for more the next.

She was lost—and then, miraculously found—as he slid his mouth and hands from her to replace them with such hard heat it took what was left of her breath away.

She was amazed by the beauty of their connection, the way her body had always recognized his as its mate every single time they’d come together, even when her head, and her heart, had wanted so desperately to remain unsure.

His mouth covered hers again as they rocked together, their bodies slipping and sliding in a perfect rhythm of strength. And surrender.

To love.

* * *

Heather’s hair spilled around them as she came over him. Even caught in his need to possess her, Zach could feel her need to possess him right back, to claim the heart he’d given her. As they shifted together so that he was lying beneath her and she was sitting up on her shins to take—and give—so sweetly, so beautifully, he could barely do anything but stare in wonder at the woman who had rocked his world so completely.

Her hands were pressed flat on his chest, her head thrown back as she rode him, and he shifted his legs so that she could lean back against his thighs to go deeper, to fly higher. Her gasp of pleasure at the small change, and then at the feel of his hands on her br**sts, her belly, between her thighs, was almost more than he could take as her body tightened around his.


At the sound of her name, she opened her eyes to look down at him.

“I need to hear you say it.”

Her eyes darkened with passion. And with all the emotion she’d finally stopped holding back from him.

“I love you.”

They were the three most beautiful words he’d ever heard.

“Again,” he demanded, even as he tightened his hold on her hips and slid in deeper.

“I love you.”

“Give me more.” He would never grow tired of hearing her say the words, of having her become one with him like this.

“I love you.” She leaned down to kiss his mouth. “I love you,” preceded another kiss on his shoulder. “I love you,” landed on his chest along with her lips.

Everywhere she could reach, she whispered her love for him, then sealed it with a kiss. Throughout, their bodies were joined, moving together.

“Don’t stop loving me,” he begged her, even though it wasn’t fair to ask her for this. “No matter what happens, promise me you won’t ever stop.”

Her smiled wobbled at his request as she leaned down so that her br**sts were pressing against his chest and her mouth was almost on his.

“How could I stop loving you,” she said so softly he could barely hear her words over the blood rushing in his ears, “when I’ve never been able to do anything about the way you make me feel? I’ll love you forever, Zach.”

He could hear the surrender, but also the joy, in her admission, as their passion hit its sensual crescendo. Knowing just how much the words cost her, he wanted to give her more than just another climax, more than just the pleasure he knew she’d found in his arms as she lay soft and supple over him while they both worked to catch their breath.

He wanted to give her the same gift she’d just given him. He wanted to give her a promise of forever.

But he couldn’t.

All he could give her was what he felt today. Here. Now.

“I love you,” he whispered into her ear.

And this time, she whispered it right back.

Chapter Twenty-eight

Heather had never been able to sleep during the day, not even back in college after pulling all-nighters to finish a paper. But as she lay sprawled across Zach’s bare chest with early afternoon sunlight streaming over the bed, she was so physically spent that she knew she could have closed her eyes and kept them that way until the next morning.

Of course, there was no way that was going to happen with the dogs pawing at the bedroom door.

On a groan, Zach pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Go take a shower. I’ll go take care of the fur balls.”

Now that she was awake and temporarily sexually sated, her worries about Zach’s reaction to the anniversary of his father’s death came right back.

“Can I ask you something?”

He took her hands in his, brought them up to his mouth for a kiss. “Yes,” he answered, “I’ll be ready for another round soon.”

It would have been easy to use their incredible attraction to skip over the hard stuff, but she didn’t want that. And she was pretty sure he didn’t want that, either.

So even though she couldn’t help but smile at his teasing, she still said, “This is a hard day for you, isn’t it? Despite the baby,” she clarified, “and us. Because of your father.”

His hands tightened on hers for a split second before he shrugged. “It’s a good thing that we have something to celebrate now, instead of being bummed every year on this day.”

The dogs were all but throwing themselves against the door, and when he pressed one more kiss to her knuckles, then let her go to let them out, she really couldn’t stop him.

Wishing that love came with instructions, she went to the shower and got under the warm spray. If only she knew how to heal him over his father the way he’d helped her with hers.

Bella Andre's Books