If You Were Mine (The Sullivans #5)(54)

“Nothing,” she said, but again there was that flash in her eyes that looked too much like anger, and when she followed it up with, “Just shut up and do me already,” he knew a hell of a lot more than nothing was wrong.

Somewhere between their extraordinary hours together at the Fairmont and now, he must have screwed up. He didn’t have the first clue how, just that he had.

With any other woman he wouldn’t have cared, would have just finished doing her and then gotten out of there. But he and Heather were more than just bang-buddies.

“What did I do?”

“You went and did your stupid race, even though you could have been hurt.” The lingering worry in her eyes was quickly masked as she snarled, “Congratulations on your big win.”

It was hard trying to think around the low level of blood in his brain, with her legs still around his and her beautiful br**sts bounding around in a white cotton bra that shouldn’t have been sexy but made it nearly impossible for him to form a coherent sentence.

Still, he knew he’d better figure out how to get his brain to work real quick, because he had a feeling a whole lot more than a hot quickie was at stake.

“You watched me race?”

“Cuddles wanted to.”

She pressed her lips together hard as if she dared him to challenge that silly statement, and he barely checked the urge to lick across the firm line of her pretty lips.

“So you saw me blow the other guys out of the water?”

“Among other things,” she muttered. “You certainly don’t need me to keep congratulating you, when everyone else did such a good job of it on the race track.”

He was a guy. And he was horny as hell around Heather, especially with her stripped half-naked. But he wasn’t stupid.

She’d obviously seen the trophy girls congratulating him on the track. And it had upset her.

“I’m not going to screw around on you, Heather.”

He watched surprise and hope flicker in her eyes, before she tamped them down. “You don’t owe me any promises. It’s just sex. That’s all we’re doing. Having sex.”

Anger rose in him, just as hot as hers. “Are you going to sleep with anyone else while we’re together?”

“No.” She looked like she couldn’t believe he’d asked her that question. “God, no.”

“Then why are you assuming I’ll do it?”

She looked at him like he was a complete idiot. “It’s what every guy does.”

“No,” he told her, “not every guy. Not me.” Frustration had him saying, “I’m not your father, damn it.”

But she was shaking her head and trying to push him away. “I saw you with those girls at the racetrack. I saw you put your hands on them.”

“To push them away, not pull them in closer!”

He wouldn’t let her go, wouldn’t let her leave his arms in anger when the only thing that had gotten him through the past thirty hours was the thought of having her back in them. “Can’t you see you’re the only one I can even think about? The only one I want? Don’t you understand that I’m losing my mind over you?”

She looked stunned by what he’d just said, as stunned as he felt himself.

“Please kiss me, Zach. Just kiss me.”

Just as willing as she was to let his words go, he kissed the breath from her lungs while stripping off her jeans and making short work of his own.

Jesus, he loved her mouth against his, loved her softness, loved those little sounds she made when he touched her just right. He slid into her slick heat, and she was so responsive she was coming almost the second he touched her between her legs.

At the last second, he realized he’d somehow forgotten to put on a condom. Somehow he managed to tough it out through her orgasm. She made a sound of protest when he pulled out and he pressed a kiss to the inside of her thighs as he kneeled down to grab a condom from his pants.

He sat down on her desk chair and quickly shoved it on, then reached for her and pulled her onto his lap, loving the feeling of sinking deep into her all over again. He could tell how much she liked it from the way she gasped as he filled her all the way up.

“It’s your turn now,” she said as she wiggled her perfect rear end over his thighs.

“My turn,” he growled against her neck, licking, kissing, nipping his way down to her br**sts, which were still trying to come free from her bra, “and yours, too.”

He found he liked her br**sts trapped behind cotton like that, liked having to work to taste her, to run his tongue inside the top edge of the fabric to tease the taut flesh, until her inner muscles tightened down over him and he finally gave up his own control and came with her.

“I love it when you smell like sex.” He buried his nose in the crook of her neck and licked at the sweat drying on her skin. Their quickie should at least have taken the edge off his need for her...but it hadn’t done a damn thing to make him want her less. “I love it when you taste like sex, too.”

Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before he realized Cuddles was at their feet, rubbing against his shins.

On a gasp, Heather shifted and looked over her shoulder to find Atlas lying on the pillow in the corner, blinking up at the two of them.

“Oh my God, I forgot about the dogs.” She hopped off his lap to search for her clothes. “Atlas has never seen...I’ve always been really careful to go into the bedroom when I...”

Bella Andre's Books