If You Were Mine (The Sullivans #5)(55)
She looked horrified as she stuttered out partial sentences. And so damn adorable with that flush on her cheeks that he had to go give her a kiss even as he laughed at her.
“He’s a big boy. He’ll get over it.”
“I’m surprised he didn’t freak out, actually, seeing you over me like that.” She was flushing even more now as she pulled her jeans back up and grabbed her shirt from the floor.
“He didn’t freak out because he knows who the boss is.”
She yanked down her shirt. “Me. I’m the boss.”
He pulled on his clothes, then scooped up Cuddles, who licked him with undisguised glee all over his face and neck. “Right. You’re the boss.”
She pushed her damp hair off her face. “I should have known you’d be even more insufferable after winning your completely pointless race.” She moved over to her desk and began to put it back to rights. “Some of us have work to do.”
He was about to reach for her again, when a knock sounded on her door.
“Heather?” Her assistant sounded worried about something more than just interrupting her boss having sex in her office. “Your parents are here.”
Chapter Twenty-five
Oh God. She’d forgotten about her father’s phone call earlier that week. Working to try to keep her panic from taking over, Heather looked down at herself, then over at Zach.
“They’re going to know what we were doing.”
What, she silently berated herself as she made sure everything was zipped and buttoned, had she been thinking, having sex in her office?
That was just the thing. She hadn’t been thinking. The second Zach had walked in, she’d lost all control of her synapses—and her hormones. Her reaction to him was that instinctive, that primal.
He put down the puppy and moved closer to undo the tangles he’d just put into her hair.
“You look great, just like you always do.” His mouth left hers tingling again before he said, “Don’t worry, Heather. It’ll be all right.” She just shook her head at him, but he gently cupped her cheek and said, “I’ve got your back.”
She didn’t know how he always managed to do that, to completely turn her inside out no matter the circumstance, but for once she was glad for the way just one soft kiss—and a handful of sweetly confident words—had her unable to focus all of her energies on being completely freaked out about her parents’ visit.
He put his hand on the doorknob. “We’ve got this, Heather.”
Strangely, even though they’d been caught barely seconds post-sex, she did feel a whole lot more able to deal with her parents with Zach than she normally did on her own.
She’d seen him in action enough by then not to be surprised by the way he had her mother eating out of his hand within seconds of saying hello. Her father, however, was slightly less than his usual charming self.
Then again, had any man ever come even close to out-charming him?
“Heather?” Her mother’s eyes moved from Zach to Heather, then to the desk they’d made a mess of. “Is this a bad time?”
Belatedly, Heather realized she’d forgotten to put her shoes back on. She moved to quickly slip them on, but not quickly enough for her parents not to notice what she was doing.
Her father pulled her into a hug before she could act fast enough to step out of reach. “My precious girl. How your mother and I have missed you.”
When she was actually a girl, she’d loved the way he’d come home from a business trip and hug her and tell her how much loved her, that she was the center of his world. But she hadn’t been that naïve for a very long time. She knew better than to think anyone was the center of her father’s world but himself.
Her father didn’t take his arm from around her waist, as though he was trying to make some kind of statement to Zach about whom she really belonged to. Atlas stood up, his ruff bristling, and she was glad to be able to use him as a reason to move away from her father.
He frowned at her dog. “Does he sit in your office all day?”
Heather ran a comforting hand down her dog’s back. Atlas had never liked her father. “Yes.”
Clearly not impressed with her answer, he asked, “Didn’t you get my message last week?”
“I apologize for not calling you back. This week has been really busy.” She tried not to flush at the memory of what she and Zach had just been busy doing, especially when her father looked between the two of them again, his frown deepening.
If only she’d remembered to call him back, then she could have invented a bulletproof excuse. Maybe even taken an impromptu trip out of town for a few days to somewhere she couldn’t be reached.
“I hope you’re not too busy to spend a few hours with us,” he said, effectively trapping her into an evening together.
Thankfully, Cuddles chose that moment to start barking, pulling attention away from her for just long enough to regain her equilibrium and to figure out how to respond. Zach had watched the exchange in silence and she guessed that he had quickly taken her parents’ measure.
She shot him a look that she hoped he could read as well as he read her thoughts in bed: Please don’t leave me alone with them.
Zach picked up the barking puppy and smiled at her, before turning that beautiful face of his on her parents. “Heather and I would be very pleased if you joined us tonight at 212 Stockton.”
Bella Andre's Books
- Can't Take My Eyes Off of You (Summer Lake #2)
- Bella Andre
- Reckless In Love (The Maverick Billionaires #2)
- Now That I've Found You (New York Sullivans #1)
- All I Ever Need Is You (The Sullivans #14)
- I Love How You Love Me (The Sullivans #13)
- Just To Be With You (The Sullivans #12)
- It Must Be Your Love (The Sullivans #11)
- Kissing Under The Mistletoe (The Sullivans #10)
- The Way You Look Tonight (The Sullivans #9)