
When I get to my room, I open the door and my mouth hangs open when I see how spacious and beautiful it is. I see a huge bed to my right and a living area to the left, with cream couches and wooden furnishings.

I run to the bed jumping on it, rolling around, taking off my shoes and standing, jumping up and down shrieking. I am like a big kid. Lying down on the bed smiling, I hear a knock on the door, I stand heading toward it, when I open it, once again, I feel lips land on mine.

Feeling his hands glide down to my ass, lifting me up so my legs wrap around his waist. He guides me to the bed, his covered erection pressing against my core. He starts grinding himself against me, feeling his hardness close to where I want him to be.

“Let me inside you.” He breathes into my neck before biting down, my head falling back.

“I can’t.” I breathe.

“I need to be inside you.” He grinds harder, making me whimper. “You want me inside you.”

“I do, but I can’t.” He glides his fingers from my thigh going higher, taking my dress up. exposing my pussy. He presses his covered erection against me, before unzipping his pants, freeing his cock. He guides it between my folds.

“You feel so good, and I haven’t been inside you yet.” He growls.

I quickly push him off me, making him stumble back. I stand up, my breathing coming in fast. I walk slowly towards him and push him against the wall, his eyes looking at me confused. I take hold of his shirt ripping it open, buttons flying everywhere.

I press my hands against his chest, before digging my nails into him, scratching down, causing him to moan out into the room. His eyes look into mine, his have gone dark. I start to slowly walk back, smirking at him.

“You want to play?” He smiles devilishly at me. I don’t say a word. I feel like something has taken me over.

He pushes himself off the wall and charges at me, but I run when I feel his arms wrap around me, lifting me up from the ground as I kick out trying to get free. He pins me to the floor, taking my dress off in one quick motion.

I pull his hair hard, bringing his face close to my mouth without actually touching, our breathing coming in hard and fast. I pull his hair harder and I feel his hand wrap around my throat, I feel myself dripping from this. I have never been so turned on.

He releases me to take down his pants, I quickly push him, so he loses balance falling back, I start to crawl away when I feel him grab hold of my ankles, pulling me closer towards him. I kick his hand away, crawling until I’m on my feet, I start running again but it’s no use, he’s too fast.

His body pins me against the wall, I feel his dick against my ass. I started grinding myself against him, him moaning into my hair, making me smile. He spins me around, his forehead pressing against mine.

We both look to one another, his fingers going to my pussy, feeling how wet I am. “You like to be chased. You like the thrill.” He says. “Now that’s interesting.” I try and push him away but he takes hold of my wrists, lifting them to the top of my head. “I like you more and more, every second I am with you.” He rubs his cock against me. “My dick likes you very much too.”

He uses one hand to hold my wrists in place as he releases the other, holding onto his cock, stroking it up and down. My eyes follow his movement, he guides his cock to my entrance, I feel myself spreading my legs wider, waiting for the anticipation of him entering me when there is a knock on the door.

We both look in the direction of the knock and then to each other. Not one of us wanting to make a move. I try and press my body closer to him so he knows I still want him, that I still want this. I feel the tip of him at my opening when there is another knock.

“Mr. Woodrow, you and Miss White are in room two, in a couple of minutes.” We hear a man shout through the door. Killian's head falls to my shoulder in defeat.

“We are on our way,” Killian shouts. He looks up at me, and it’s like the bubble we were in a few seconds before is gone.

I can’t believe I was so close in allowing this man to fuck me.

I am finding the more time I am spending here the more I am questioning myself. I think back how we just were. I wanted him to be forceful with me. I wanted him to just have me no matter what, it’s scary finding out what my other desires are. I wanted him to overpower me.

Killian steps back, seeing his naked body will never get old. I watch as he puts on his pants and ripped shirt, I bite my lip trying not to smile. I guess I do have a real kinky side. I move to my dress, putting it back on, the whole point of me coming here was to get showered. I guess I will do it after the BDSM room.

I am surprised that after all my orgasms I am not feeling exhausted.

“You ready?” Killian asks me, taking out his hand for me to take. I place my hand in his and he pulls my body against his. “This isn’t over Angel, I will be inside you before you leave.” He promises, taking us down the elevator. Each second that passes the more I can feel him.

He walks me to the BDSM room and just like last time, no one is in here yet. I guess they give you five minutes to get ready before they allow people to enter. I look to the cross in the far end of the room and head towards that.

“Strip for me,” Killian says in an authoritative voice. I take off my dress, placing it on a desk where I see different kinds of whips and toys. I don’t even know why I keep putting it on as I always end up naked. I look around the room and it looks completely different from the other one. This one has no bed, the cross takes up a quarter of the room, I look up to see chains hanging from the ceiling. “That’s what we are trying today.” Killian brings me back to reality.

J.L. Ostle's Books