
“I just hate feeling like a parent telling them what to do and not do.”

“It has to be said though.” Violet nods.

Soon after, waiters enter in the room giving everyone their starters of pork belly salad which I really enjoyed. I am taking a sip of water when I hear a woman clear her throat next to me. I turn to her seeing her in a dark blue dress, short light brown hair and brown eyes.

“Hi, I am Meredith. You must be new.” She gives me her hand to shake, looking at my wrist band. I look to hers and notice hers is white. I remember white as being submissive.

“I’m Angel.”

“Angel? That is such a beautiful name.”

“Thank you, many people do comment on it.” We both giggle.

“Are you here with anyone?” I look to Violet and Killian and they both look to me, obviously hearing the question. I ponder how to answer.

“I am kind of with someone here, yes. What about you?” I quickly look back to Violet and Killian and they are smiling to one another.

“Yes, I am. I’m with my husband who is also my dominant.” She points to the gentleman sitting next to her with dark brown hair and brown eyes also. “Are you going to be joining in any of the rooms?” My eyes go wide a little. I know Violet said people can sign up, but I never thought about signing myself up.

“I don’t know,” I say in a squeaky voice.

“Don’t be scared.” She giggles. “You're new, so I understand. We join up in room five. Where the cross is.”

“Yes, I have seen that room.”

“As a voyeur, I am sure you will be watching more than joining anyway.” She giggles again. “There aren’t many voyeur members here.” I look at her confused.

“But loads of people have been watching.”

“Observing. What you are into, you watch for pleasure, you watch as you get off on it. People who observe the rooms, it’s not the same thing. If you do get a chance to watch me and my husband I would love your input afterwards.”


“I like knowing that I please him. It’s what pleasures me, by pleasuring him. What you will see, he sees. I just want your take on it. If it is desirable to watch from the outsider point of view.” I don’t understand a hundred percent what she means, but I nod anyway.

“Of course.”

“Thank you, if you need any advice on the rooms or guests, even though you are here with someone just ask.”

“Thank you, really appreciate that.” She smiles at me.

A couple of waiters enter the room to fill people’s drinks, I ask for more water and my usual alcoholic drink. I am taking a big sip when I look up to see Killian watching me, his eyes intently on mine. I feel drawn to him. His eyes piercing mine when I hear the main doors opening, breaking the connection.

Our main courses arrive, I almost drool seeing it’s a roast dinner. I love roast dinners. I dive in, moaning on each bite. The mashed potato is so fluffy, the chicken so tender, my most favourite the stuffing. I could have asked for seconds, it was that good. I close my eyes on the last bite. When I open them, I feel eyes on me and notice a few of the guests watching me. A few have darkened looks.

I turn to Violet who is smiling at me, shaking her head. She takes my hand leaning towards me. “You were making pleasure sounds throughout your meal and the look of innocent pleasure on your face. It is rare to see and hear something like that without something sexual being involved.” I look back down the table. Meredith and her husband are looking at me as he whispers in her ear.

I feel my cheeks heating up, so I look to my glass of water, drinking half in one gulp, hoping the cold will cool me down. I am playing with my napkin when Meredith leans my way.

“My husband and I were wondering if you wanted to watch us intimately in private later?” My head turns to her so quickly I almost get whiplash. I used to find it hard to find couples who would join me in my fetishes and this place, I guess they just come out and ask.

“Well, I guess…”

I get interrupted by Killian. “I’m afraid she is spoken for tonight.” He says in a powering voice.

“I do apologise Killian, I didn’t realise she was yours.” Meredith’s husband says.

“It’s quite alright, but she is mine and Violets guest, so you understand.”

“Of course.” I look to everyone, I feel like shouting out ‘do I not get a say?’

Meredith looks a little disappointed, I lean in towards her. “I’m sorry.”

“I didn’t realise you were with them, or I wouldn’t have asked.”

“But why?”

“They are the king and queen of this club.” She whispers quietly. “What they say goes. If they are saying you are with them, it’s like they are claiming you.” Claiming me?

“I am not here to be claimed. I am here to experience everything I guess.”

“Killian is the head Dom, Violet is his beautiful submissive. You, I guess are the middle key, the bit of both. If they chose you, you must be special, as neither of them really like sharing the other in this place, even though I have heard rumours, I have never seen her with another man.” I feel even more confused as they were asking me, well inviting me to do exactly that.

Have them both.

J.L. Ostle's Books