
“Do I know you?” She laughs.

“It was you I was talking to on Tinder.” I think of the picture of the couple their faces were turned away so I couldn’t actually see what they looked like.

“Why would someone like you use Tinder?.” I asked confused. She is gorgeous.

“People can be so vain, say they are into whatever, but they always end up as a disappointment to me. You just wanted to watch. You came out and said you didn’t want to take part sexually. That’s how I knew you were one of us. Different.”

“One of us?” I ask confused.

“People who like to broaden their horizons in the bedroom. Who don’t get turned on the normal way. You have that itch that needs scratching and it’s not by vanilla sex.”

“This is your party?” I look around me once again. Processing what she just said.

“It is, mine and I guess you met my partner in crime Killian.” Just by saying his name, he shows up behind her, wrapping his arms around her middle, his eyes on mine.

“You don’t look like a submissive.” I blurt out and they both laugh.

“Like you were telling him before, looks can be deceiving. I am like him. I like to experience everything, depending on the situation and company included.” She looks at me and licks her lips. “Killian was kind enough to let me have a taste from what he experienced with you.” She grabs his hand and sucks his fingers that weren't long ago inside me.

“I don’t normally like men who are in relationships to touch me intimately,” I say. They both look to me at once.

“But you like being with a girl sexually?” Killian asks. “Why?”

“I guess I don’t like being with a guy that belongs to another girl, he should stay hers.”

“But shouldn’t the girl stay his? You have chosen to be with a girl, but feel it’s different with a guy? I guess it’s from past experience?” He looks at me like he is seeing my past. “But you don’t join in anymore?”

“I don’t,” I say matter of factly.

“Why is that?” She asks me, stepping closer.

“Sex changes things. Emotions get involved. Someone gets hurt and it's mostly the person who got invited in.” She starts circling me. “What is your name?” I ask her, she stops in front of me, her hand gliding from my cheek to the top of my chest.

“You can call me Violet.”

“You invited me, letting me join in on your party but why?”

“We wanted to show you that there is a place where people have similar tastes to you, for you to try something new if interested, but…” She stops.


“We have been looking for the right kind of girl to join in our fun, a girl with so much desire, who gets pulled into pleasure.” Her words sending tingles through my whole body.

“You think that is me? I am not that experienced. I just watch.”

“But you don’t just have to. You can join me.” She plants a little kiss on my lips. “Join him.” She turns to him and he steps in front of me and plants a little kiss on my lips also. “Or have us both. This party is for the whole weekend. We can help you explore your desires as you help us fill ours.” I am finding it hard to process what they are asking. They want me. They want a threesome type thing?

“I may not give you what you need.” Is all I can say. I know how stupid it sounds once the words leave my lips.

“I am sure you will. Angel join us, be with us. We can help each other. Let me touch you, taste you. I want you to taste me too.” She says in a husky voice. She grabs my hand pulling it under her dress to her lace underwear where I can feel how soaked she is. “Just talking about being with you is making me want you more. Don’t you want me?” She helps pull her underwear aside, so I can enter one finger then two before she forces me to pull out. She takes my fingers to my mouth. “Suck.” She orders and I do. She tastes sweet.

“Angel, Light Blue, what have you got to lose?” That’s what I’m scared to answer.

“Before you decide.” She interrupts my thoughts. “Come to my room. Let us try and if after you don’t want to, you can enjoy the rest of the party or go if you want to. We just want you to try.” I am waiting for the part of me to say run, to say this is a bad idea. But my brain is screaming for me to do this.

My body is shaking with need already. I look to them both and nod my head and they both smile. Killian grabs my hand linking me to his arm as Violet links the other. We walk across the room once again but to a different hallway that leads to elevators.

Stepping inside, I can feel the sexual tension surround us. I can hear Violet’s breathing has picked up. I’ve been watching for so long that I notice sounds more. The ride up feels like a lifetime, I notice we are actually on the top floor when the doors open. I am greeted by a huge living room.

Three white sofas taking the middle of the room with a glass coffee table. A fireplace opposite with a huge flat screen TV above it. I walk further in and see three doors, two on one side and one on the other.

I know one will be a bathroom, one is the main bedroom so it must be a spare room as the third. I notice the long windows taking up the far wall and when I look out I see it leads to a balcony. Opening it up I step out seeing the city darkened apart from the twinkling lights.

J.L. Ostle's Books