Bro Code(38)

He wastes no time peeling off my shirt until I'm standing before him in a lacy bra and just my jeans.

“Jesus, Ava.”

My heart is hammering out of my chest, and the hungry look in his eyes makes me feel oddly emotional. “What?”

“You're so damn sexy.”

I've never been described as sexy in my entire life, but he makes me feel like I am. Then he's unbuttoning my jeans, and I can feel myself tighten a bit as he grazes the precious space between my thighs. Once he’s stripped me down to his liking, he grips my ass with sturdy hands, his touch becoming reacquainted with my curves.

If he notices that I deliberately took the time to match my bra to my panties, he certainly doesn’t stop to comment. His mouth is a little occupied working its way down my neck, decorating my skin with little pink circles on his journey down to my breasts. Good God, are we going to do this right here in the hallway? With this whole apartment at our disposal?

Before I can contemplate that further, he lifts me up by my ass and hoists me up onto him. I can’t help but giggle the tiniest bit as I lace my legs around his waist. I hold tight to his shirt, using it as an excuse to feel his sculpted pecs through the thin material as he carries me to the kitchen, his mouth still devouring mine.

He lowers me onto the granite countertop, then pulls back to meet my eyes. Using the pads of his fingers, he strokes my cheek so gently, so softly as he gazes down at me.

“You are so beautiful. I'm glad you came.”

Of course, I came but it'd be too much to admit that I missed him. Too intimate. So instead I pull him in for another kiss.

His hands slip down to my waist, and he holds me close as our tongues twirl and glide together.

When I'm breathless, he pulls back again, meeting my eyes. “I'm sorry I just left the hotel. You were asleep, and…it just seemed like the best way.”

I nod. “A clean break. I get it. Except…”

His mouth quirks up in a lopsided grin. “I needed another taste.”

Our lips crash together again, but I sense the time for talking is done, because this time, his fingers trace circles over my skin, caressing and stroking me from my shoulders to my arms to my lower back. And then his lips are on my neck, his teeth grazing my collarbone, moving lower until his hands are cupping my breasts and his mouth is leaving damp kisses along my cleavage.

When I reach back to unclasp my bra, he pauses, waiting in anticipation as I peel the lace away from my skin and let it drop to the tile floor.

His gaze is almost worshipful as he takes in the sight of my bare breasts—barely a B cup, but so high and perky I really don't even need a bra.

“Shit,” he curses under his breath. “These are fucking amazing.” His thumb grazes the tip of one breast and I barely hold in a shudder.

Every time we're together it's as if he has all the time in the world to tease and toy with my body. The slow touches, the drawn-out foreplay, the laser focus on my orgasm. Meanwhile, I feel like I'll die if I don't feel him inside me in the next four seconds.

I reach in between us and palm the erection I can feel through his jeans.

“Oh fuck, please,” I whimper as he hooks his fingers inside my panties, stroking me lightly with the backs of his knuckles.

“Please what?” he breathes into my ear. His voice is hot, sinful, and dripping with pure sex.

I meet his gaze, blinking at him, innocently. “Please fuck me with that big cock of yours, Barrett.”

He releases a groan of approval. I guess he likes my dirty talk.

And it's all the invitation he needs. A quick tug on his boxer briefs and his erection springs free. Glad to see he's just as excited to see me as I am to see him. His briefs fall to the floor and he begins rubbing the head of his erection against my opening. Yes, yes, yes. My toes curl at how very right this feels. God, I don’t think I’ll ever get over how big he is.

“Fuck.” He pulls away.

“What's wrong?” I look up at him, suddenly confused.

“I need to go grab a condom. Don't move.”

I wrap my hands around his waist, not letting him move. “Do we need one?” I'm on birth control, and there's no one I trust more than Barrett.

His eyes meet mine. “Never done that before.”

“Ever?” I blink at him.

He shakes his head, and I can see that he's telling me the truth. Which is crazy, he's thirty years old.

“Well, I'm on the pill, and I've only been with two men, and I've been tested, and I haven't slept with anyone in over a year.” Oh my God, why am I babbling? I place my hand on his cheek and meet his eyes. “I'm good if you are.”

For a moment, I'm not sure what he's thinking, and then he presses a tender kiss to my lips. “Just that you'd trust me with this is…” He gives me another kiss. “Yes.”

Taking a firm hold of my hips, he pulls me to the edge of the counter and parts my thighs as wide as they will go. I’m perfectly positioned to take all of him, and I have a feeling that’s exactly what he’s going to give me.

One smooth, very slow thrust, and my eyes dart up to his. The look of focus on his face is almost breathtaking. He's biting into his lower lip, his eyes half-lidded in concentration.

Barrett slides in farther, and I yelp a little.

Kendall Ryan's Books