Bro Code(39)

He pulls back immediately, a concerned look flashing across his handsome features. “Fuck.” He cups my cheek with his large palm, his regret instant. “I'm so, so sorry. Are you okay?”

“It's okay.” I nod. “Just maybe go a little slower.”

His eyebrows are still scrunched together when he leans down and presses a tender kiss to my mouth. “I can’t seem to control myself around you. I'll be careful, okay?”

I nod again, smiling at him so he knows it really is okay.

He starts again, setting a slower pace, and dear God, this man must have the patience of a saint because after several minutes of this slow-tempo lovemaking, I'm ready to burst.

He’s so much to take, but it feels like heaven. I rock my hips to match his thrusts, letting him push deeper and deeper into me.

“You ready for more?” he asks, his eyes falling down to where our bodies are joined. My gaze follows and holy hell, the sight is so erotic. His manhood is painted in my arousal, and I can see he hasn't been giving me his whole length, just pushing into me until my toes curl, and then retreating.

Again, the patience of a saint.

“More,” I confirm on a groan, lacing my fingers behind his back and pulling him in deeper.

He obeys, his rhythm kicking up, and soon he's thrusting into me as far as he can go and I moan so loud I’m running the risk of neighbors calling in a noise complaint. Let them call, I don’t give a damn. This feels too good to stop.

I tuck my pelvis just right so that he slides up against my g-spot and all of me tightens and contracts. Shit, I thought the sex was amazing our first time; but this is on another level. Maybe it's just that every time with him gets better. With each of his thrusts, my body tenses and my breath escapes me, my heart thumping in double time.

“B-Barrett! God, yes, Barrett!” I pant as he pushes so deep into me that I finally unravel. With one last stutter of his name, I come while he is still pressed deep into me. He grunts as I contract and release around him, still rocking in and out of my pulsing heat.

Instead of giving me a second to catch my breath, he scoops my still-trembling frame off the counter and sets me on my feet, bent over the kitchen sink this time.

His lips are at the back of my neck. “Can you stand?”

I nod, and tentatively he moves his hands from my hips, making sure he can trust me. I grip the counter in front of me, and feel his erection brush against my ass.

Steadying himself with one hand locked to my shoulder, he presses into me from behind, hitting totally different parts of me. He groans and I contract around him again at the sound of him losing control. I push back a bit, rocking back onto his stiff length, which he gives another approving groan to.

I can feel his muscles tightening as he teeters on the edge of climax. With an arch of my back, he slides so deep into me that I can practically feel him behind my belly button. Using my body as though I weigh nothing at all, he pulls me back onto him again and again.

“Where should I come?” he asks.

“Inside me.”

I can hear his breath choke and he empties into me with a final trembling thrust. Once he eases out of me, I turn around to place a grateful kiss on his mouth. He gathers me up in his arms, pulling me close to his chest.

“Welcome to Chicago,” he whispers against my hair.

I smile and run my hand down the scruff on his cheek. If I go even a second without touching him I’m afraid I’ll snap out of whatever perfect dream I’m in and he’ll disappear. As long as I’m touching him, this has to be real.

He tilts up my chin with the tips of his fingers to press his mouth against mine. Unlike every kiss we have shared up until this moment, this kiss is delicate and sweet. This kiss doesn’t say “I want to bend you over on my coffee table,” although I know he does—and probably will later this evening. This kiss says, “I’m happy you’re here,” and when he pulls away, the gentleness of it sends a tingle down my spine.

“I’ve got you for two full days,” he says, playfully tucking my messy sex hair behind my ear. “And I promise to make it to the bedroom next time.”

A shudder vibrates through me. Being back with him has been so absolutely perfect already that I almost forgot that I only have him for two short days. Forty-eight hours in an incredible city with the grown-up version of my childhood boy crush, then I’ll be back on the road, pushed out of this dream state and back into reality, aka Indiana. And I’ll have three hours of driving to replay a weekend’s worth of memories before letting them go, leaving them somewhere in the snow on the side of the highway.

As unfair as it seems, I can’t bring any of it with me. This isn’t just some high school fantasy anymore. This is real life. And at the end of the day, I have to keep telling myself that Barrett’s life is here in Chicago, and mine is in a factory in the middle of nowhere. Some lives aren’t meant to line up, no matter how much I desperately wish they could.

This is why I was scared to start this in the first place. Why I wanted to cut things off when he went back to the city. Why I fled the car in a panic that night in my parents’ driveway—the first time things turned physical between us.

It’s because I knew from the very beginning that just a little would never be enough, that the second I got the slightest taste of Barrett, I would start falling in love.

Kendall Ryan's Books