Bro Code(41)

“Just a second,” I say, keeping my voice low so it doesn't carry, and step farther into the kitchen.

On any other night I'd say yes, blowing off steam before another week of the grind at the firm, but not with Ava in the other room. Not with his sister here, who I've been shacking up with since last night. I run my hand over the counter, remembering Ava's arms around me as she hit her peak, gasping for me to stay inside just a little longer.

“Sorry, I've got my hands full here.” I put as much innuendo in the words as I dare, hoping he'll get my meaning fast.

He laughs. “Oh, I see. You've got some hot piece waiting in the other room with her panties off and I'm keeping you occupied.”

I wince, glad he can't see it from his end of the line. If he had any idea whom he was talking about, he'd be embarrassed out of his mind—right before he slugged me in the mouth. “Yeah, something like that. I've got to go.”

He sighs, but doesn't push the issue. “Okay, okay. Have fun, man. ’Night.”

Shaking my head like it'll wipe away the conversation, I carry the glasses of champagne into the living room. Ava lights up as I sit down next to her, and I'm trying to think of a good toast when she leans over to kiss me.

“Does this mean we're having a quiet night in?” she asks, her lips a breath away from mine.

“We could go out, but that would mean sharing you with everyone else.” My eyes lock with hers. “I don't want to do that. I'm going to be selfish and keep you all to myself until tomorrow.”

She smiles, fingers brushing against my knee before she settles back in her seat to take a long sip of the champagne. “Mm. Was that my brother you were talking to in there?”

I'd hoped that Ava hadn't heard, but there was no point in lying to her. “Yeah, he wanted to go out.”

“He's not going to come over, is he?” Worry trickles into her voice.

“No, I told him I had someone over.”

“Oh.” She looks relieved, but not really surprised. “I suppose he's used to you having women over.”

Not so much in recent days, although it's true enough that I don't try and argue. We share the champagne instead, trading sips until I can't stand to not be touching her anymore. Her glass clinks against the table as I set it down beside mine. Then I gather her close and press a soft kiss to her lips.

“Thank you for coming this weekend, baby,” the words roll off my lips before I can stop them, but I mean it. The sentiment is too true to deny.

“Thank you for having me,” she whispers back, and suddenly having her is the only thought in my mind.

She follows my lead, rising from the couch, and heat sparks between each kiss as I guide her toward my bedroom.

Once inside, I flip on the small lamp beside my bed.

She gives me a questioning look. “What's that for?”

I bring my hand to her cheek, stroking her skin. “You're incredible, and I want to see all of you.”

Her chin dips down as she looks at her toes. For the first time, I truly realize that she may not be all that experienced in the bedroom. She told me about the fact she’d only been with two other men, but I hadn't really considered her past. Despite her false bravado, the confidence she has about asking for what she wants, I like the idea that there haven't been many men before me. Maybe it means I can leave a lasting mark, that no one who comes after me could quite compare. Misogynistic, but there it is.

Lifting her chin with two fingers, I meet her eyes and take her mouth again.

The fact that we just have tonight left to ourselves sticks under my skin like a thorn. Every time I touch her, she gives me more and more, but somehow it isn't enough. I don't know what enough would be, but right now it's getting her naked and lying her back against the pillows.

She doesn't let me indulge in the sight for long, pulling me down into another kiss as I find the clasp to her bra and slip it open. Her hands caress down my chest, searching for every bare inch of skin she can find until brushing against the bulge inside my pants.

“Take these off.” She tugs at my jeans.

I obey, stripping down completely before joining her on the bed again.

Her eyes immediately drop to my lap, and I have to stifle a chuckle. I'm glad she seems to be just as pleased with my body as I am hers.

As her fingers wrap around the base of me and squeeze, sparks of pleasure ignite through my body.

A moan escapes her lips when my fingers find her wet, drawing circles along her silken flesh until she gasps, “Barrett, I'm ready for you.”

My entire body aches at those words, and I know she means it, even if I still have to start slow, sinking into the hot velvet of her warmth in one controlled thrust at a time. Her nails bite into my hips as every inch fills her, and I trail kisses from her throat to the fullness of her lips, waiting for her breathing to steady before I start to move.

Her hips rock into the rhythm with mine, drawing me in as deep as I can go. I slide an arm between her back and the sheets so I can hold us together, not wanting her to escape me for even a second.

“You feel amazing,” I murmur against her ear. “How am I ever supposed to stop?”

“I don't want you to stop,” she moans, and clenches tight around my shaft as if it will keep me there forever.

Kendall Ryan's Books